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Encompasses a wide range of artistic disciplines, including painting, sculpture, drawing, and multimedia for creative expression and cultural appreciation.
How do you finger G down tetrachord on the Bass?
Paints applied in thick texture
theatrical dance
Name this piece of Latin hand percussion
Who plays D with their 3rd finger on the A?
What type of piano is this?
What is the name of this musical instrument?
Which instruments have all these strings: A D G C?
Describes how a subject looks or feels to the touch
Which family does the viola belong to?
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male dancer
A drama or comedy set to music. Like a play, it is acted on a stage with costumes, wigs, scenery, etc.
How many symphonies did Beethoven compose?
Evolves from shape with the addition of the third dimension
Put these instruments in order of size, from smallest to largest: Cello, violin, bass, viola
Which family does the piano belong to?
Three qualities of color: Purity or brilliance of a color
How do we call this?
What is the name of this musical instrument?
Using one color with tint, shades, and tones
What musical instrument is this?
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What are the 3 primary colors?
art critics
Who plays F# with their 3rd finger on the D
What is this?
relief painting (define)
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the history or art
The area in which an artist creates a work of art; Area surrounding shapes
Blues and greens are examples of cool colors.
Name this stringed instrument
Categories of line: A seen line
Made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color.
a satin ballet shoes that women used to stand up on while creating the illusion of weightless
What is this woodwind instrument called?
Name this stringed instrument
What is the name of this musical instrument?
which note is a whole step higher than E?
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the arts a basic form of human communication, the quality production expression or realm, according to aesthetic principles of what is beautiful , appealing , or of more than ordinary significance
Which does NOT belong in the BRASS family?
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Considered impure colors chues and are not in the spectrum
a dance performed wearing shoes fitted with metal taps, characterized by rhythmical tapping of the toes and heels.
What is the first finger on the D string?
Conveys calmness, rest, earth
Used to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface
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Classical and Romantic- the romantic tutu is longer and reaches below the knee, the classical tutu is short that fits the body
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to develop the capacity to make aesthetic judgements
what is this
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Created when a line crosses itself and encloses a space
two dimensional are clearly set off by one or more of the other visual elements such as color value line texture and space
color , elements , shape , value, line space, form , texture,
When a color and the two colors on either side of the original colors complement
What is the name of this musical instrument?
An image of a person or of a group of people is called a:
The three secondary colors
Why has this guitar only got 4 strings?
Musical terms are most often written in Italian.
Which notes are ½ step apart (next to each other)?
What is the name of this musical instrument?
what is this
Which is the first finger on the A string?
The three primary colors;
Can you name these?Clue: M _ _ A _ _ S
What is this?
Who painted the Mona Lisa
What type of guitar is this?
art plus action
How do we call this?
Categories of texture: cannot be felt only seen or imagined
What is the 4th finger on the A string for BASS?
Which family is played by striking the instrument, either with your hand or a mallet?
Originated in England adopted by artist in the U.S. around 1960. Focused attention on familiar images such as comic strips and supermarket products in an honest open manner.
Which is the bass' lowest string?
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Say what you see.....
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This invention made music widely available during the Renaissance:
Name this drum
Conveys, strength, dignity, spirituality
Who is NOT a composer?
object with three dimensions , two important features of form are mass and volume, mass refers to the outside size and bulk of a form , volume refers to the space within a form
What type of piano is this?
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Who plays F# with their 4th finger on the D?
Name this brass instrument
what are the types of line
Which family is typically played with a bow or plucked?
What is this instrument which is used a lot for pop music?
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Which is the first finger on the G string?
Three qualities of color: the color itself
Notes go forward in the alphabet when they get:
Which is the viola's highest open string?
What family of instrument do these belong to?
What musical instrument is this?
Starry Night is a famous artwork by:
the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance.
Gregorian Chant was vocal music from the:
primary colore
Which family makes its sounds by vibrating a reed (except for 2 instrument)?
Name this brass instrument
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The difference between orchestra and band is that orchestra includes stringed instruments.
Which family is made up of several feet of metal tubing and has valves or slides?
How do we call this instrument?
the action involved in making art drawing, painting, printmaking, modeling
What are five neutral colors
What family of instrument do these belong to?
Categories of a line: An imaged line where two different elements meet
The area of a surface that is empty or unoccupied by a definite form or shape, quite often called the background of study.
an also suggest movement, vertical, horizontal, it is a continuous mark
What is the name of this musical instrument?
Conveys softness, joy
a branch of philosophy concerned with identifying the criteria that are used to understand judge, and defined judgments about works or art
The larger the instrument, the _________________ it sounds.
What is the name of this musical instrument?
What is this?
How do you play a G down tetrachord on the Violin and Viola?
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art graphics
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Which are the names of the instrument "families"?
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What comes right after G in the musical alphabet?
West Side Story is a contemporary musical version of what famous play?
are usually distinguished by whether they can be used to make marks on a two dimensional or be manipulated as a three-dimensional form
an element made up of three distinct qualities
Which does NOT belong in the STRING family?
Uses length and width and is a flat surface
How do we call this instrument?
Which does NOT belong in the PERCUSSION family?
dancing for entertainment
Three qualities of color: Lightness or darkness of a color
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What is the name of this musical instrument?
made out of tiles, glass, or beads a collage is made out of images
which note is a whole step lower than E?
complete work the style of dance
This man plays on a...
What are the six elements of art?
to develop the ability to express ideas and emotions throught participation in the arts
videos, articles, advertisements, music, podcasts, audiobooks, virtual reality, or digital art.
Which family does the trombone belong to?
the design or decoration of functional objects to make them pleasing to the eye
Which does NOT belong in the WOODWIND family?
Using three or more colors that are in the same color family
In music, a symbol that represents a length of silence is called a:
Name this brass instrument
What is the name of this musical instrument?
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Fluid, irregular, free flowing, found in nature
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What family of instrument do these belong to?
refers to painting sculpture and architecture arts which have no practical function
a wall painting or structure
Using two colors that one directly opposite each other on the color circle
What is the sentence that helps you remember the names of the LINES on the musical staff? (Treble or bass clef is fine)
female dancer
what is this
one of the most noticeable of the art elements
Green, orange and violet are considered _____ colors.
the art or paper making process
Originated in America of 1920's and reaching a peak during The Great Depression of the 30's. Primarily concerned with community critically on the social, economic and political problems of the day.
the mother of modern dance
Name this stringed instrument
This drum is the biggest drum of the drum kit. What's it called?
The horizon line is an imaginary line where the earth meets the sky.
Which family does the piccolo or flute belong to?
How do we call this
when describing a hue the warm values to that hues lightness
Conveys action, motion, conflict
During what era of music did Johann Sebastian Bach live and compose music in?
The ability to develop the ability to acknowledge and distinguish
a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.
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Name this piece of percussion
categories of texture: can be felt with the fingers
Which is the 3rd finger on the A string for VIOLA?
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what is this
Circle, square, triangle, rectangle; usually precise and rigid; mad made
The area of a surface that is occupied by definite forms or shapes, quite often the subject of the study.
what is this
There are _____ lines and _____ spaces on the music staff.
what is ths
dimension of shape
How do we call this instrument?
Which famous composer suffered from deafness?
How do you play a G down tetrachord on the cello?
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What type of guitar is this?
An artistic dance form performed to music, using precise movements and gestures is called:
What is the highest singing voice called?
he body of the battle the background dancers
A group of three colors approximately equally distant from each other on the color circle
What is the name of this musical instrument?
Which instruments have all these open stings: E A D G ?
The art of primitive societies, whether prehistoric or later such as the art of much of Africa, Oceania, and political
Check the two boxes with the names of these drums
What is this?
what is this a picture of
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