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An intellectual discipline that delves into fundamental questions about knowledge, reality, existence, morality, and the nature of human experience.
Humans, by nature, have a strong sense of ________. (use small letters only)hint:verb.-ask for information from someone.
It is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge skills, values, morals, beliefs and habits.
The Easy Problem explains how we feel about being "conscious."
We should move to the midwest because the Wall Street Journal says the cost of living is cheaper there.
Based on Empiricism.
Malcolm X advocates that we trust only those who share cultural features with our own.
It is regarded as the technology of philosophy because it tells us how human beings ought to function as a human being.
He is French-Algerian journalist and he said " Dealt over such questions as the meaning of life in the face of death- I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is"
This principle focus on the use of natural resources in such a manner that these are conserve for the next generation.
Ancient Roman philosophywas heavily influenced by the ancient Greeks and the schools of Hellenistic philosophy; however, unique developments in philosophical schools of thought occurred during the Roman period as well.
He is the father of Education.
Belief in pantheon gods, with three main gods; Brahma, Shiva, And Vishnu
Idols of the mind.
Aristotle created...
Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings
The study of Truth or Knowledge
The four noble truth describe worldly existence as imperfect and influenced by earthly desires and suffering (dukkha)
Branch in Philosophy that is concerned with the nature of reality, the study of existence
____________ is the science and art of correct thinking
This follows what kind of fallacy."Nothing is better than God"."One loaf of bread is better than NOTHING"."Ergo, one loaf of bread is better than God".
Everyone in the office loves me because they never said otherwise.
The direct realist claims that when I think I see a tree, that is always an illusion.
Why become a philosopher?
Being overweight leads to a shortened lifespan because it's unhealthy.
The _______ is the source of all human action.
The word "stereotype" was first popularized in the United States by:
Don't believe what Kim says about global warming. Kim dropped out of college!
It refers to the love of wisdom. The quest for understanding the truth.
Usually taken for granted in philosophical discussion because it is already considered true.
The word "philosophy" derives from:
Refers to the state of existence of things independent of human consciousness
Is the accumulation of facts and data that you have learned about or experienced.
What is the first philosophical question that can guide us in choosing our actions and decisions?
Consider the following argument:If you get a good grade on this test, then you will feel good about yourself.If you feel good about yourself, then you will do better on future tests.Therefore, if you get a good grade on this test, then you will do better on future tests.If we assume the premises are true, this argument would be considered:
Which of these is not a branch in philosophy?
Social reconstructionism is also called?
Best option is the one with less assumptions/question.
An eastern philosophy that says that the purpose of life is to find enlightenment.
It is the principle of a proper social system.
Major in philosophy that stresses individual existence, freedom, and choice.
According to idealism, on occasions when you think you are ordinarily seeing a tree, you are experiencing a pattern of colors in your mind, not a tree.
Is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable to your life.
Existentialism- Learning is learners ________
Study of Causality
The word ”Philosophy” Comes from the two Greek word Sophia it means_____
Which is the correct knowledge of Aristotle?
A philosophical argument is a form of verbal disagreement.
Ability of a person to choose among possible actions. Choice can either be from freewill or Influenced by other factors.
What is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language?
Color-blindness is sometimes caused by a problem in the brain, not the eyes.
He devoted himself to studying the causes of natural phenomena. He was among the first to propose that matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms
What author criticized the philosophy and practice of education by pointing out the fact that most forms of pedagogy tend to privilege the mind over the body and often ignore how creativity can manifest itself differently in individuals.
In Meditations II, Rene Descartes invoked this entity to help him explore the doubts and certainties of our existence.
Sureness of a specific knowledge; perfect knowledge that is free from error and doubt
Air is the source of ultimate reality according to:
Educational philosopher of the 20th century and founder of the Social Reconstructionism.
Seek to question the very framework upon which people base their own beliefs and views
Psychologist Steven Pinker informs us that the brain makes the assumption that:
Hypatia’s_______________ led her to a life dedicated to the service of ____________ and learning, with_____________ being an important key to the life of higher contemplation.
Reason and logic is considered the basis of knowledge and belief; man has innate knowledge that can be accessed through intuition or deduction.
Democritus, in his belief that the universe was made of tiny bits of stuff called "atoms," would be considered:
The study of the scope of knowledge
The study of right and wrong in human behavior
Daniel Dennett in Consciousness Explained argues that a computer could not keep up with the computations involved in allowing you to explore the world that it was faking.
Indirect Realism holds that in perception I am immediately aware of something mental, not something physical.
Believed that philosophy is concerned with uncovering the truth trough systematic argumentation and theory.
The word ”Philosophy” Comes from the two Greek word Philo it means_____
It is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral value.
The study of the human experience.
An Athenian and Greek philosopher who is an idealist and reconstructionist.
It is a science that studies the principles of correct reasoning.
Cogito ergo sum means "I think. Therefore I am." By making this statement, Descartes argued that thinking is essentially the foundation of all human behavior.
The study of Truth or Knowledge.
Said man needs to philosophize because of sense of wonder.
The reality that exists outside our human experience
Why do we study Philosophy?
Rejects the idea of a Creator and considers the universe as eternal and unceasing.
Based on imagination, imagined scenarios to illustrate a theory.
____________ is where the birthplace of Philosophy.
According to Plato, what is knowledge?
Errors in reasoning.
The study of knowledge, truth, and the nature of ultimate reality.
Best known 20th Century Existentialist Philosopher
It is the study of the universe as a whole.
W.E.B. DuBois used this term to describe an awareness of oneself and the awareness of how others perceive us.
If you can't prove that Ken had an affair with the nanny, then he's been faithful to his wife.
Which is NOT a requirement of knowledge:
Uses human reasoning to investigate the existence, cause and principles which govern all things
He was the father of Buddhism.
Human’s way of thinking about the world; includes its own views and beliefs.
The process of distinguishing mere belief from knowledge is called:
Individual actions contribute to either a good or bad effect in a person's life
What branch of philosophy deals with the study of moral judgments?
Direct realism says that seeing a tree is "simple". One option for what "simple" means is "transparent", and transparent means:
If Descartes' evil demon can manipulate my beliefs -- can make me believe things -- then it can make me think I am experiencing external objects when I am not.
A student of Socrates, he wrote down his teacher's writings and incorporated some of his own ideas into them. He's known for his dialectic method.
How was Plato?
God is believed to have created the universe and is present everywhere and everything.
Deals with Beauty
Said man needs to philosophize because of Experience.
Emphasis on the the human person; use of philosophy to understand society, nature, and humanity
Which of the following is NOT a role of the student in the Social Reconstruction philosophy?
He is known for the practical aspects of his philosophical inquires and was considered a leading scientist in ancient times. He is credited for several inventions such as Archimedes screw.
Branch of Philosophy that deals with questions such as "What is reasoning"?
This author first described how women are often seen as an "Other," much like different ethnic groups.
Any philosopher who looks at changing the world, developing humanity, and the human soul through socialism is called ____________________.
When philosophers employ a skeptical attitude in looking at truthfulness of ideas.
The emphasis on curriculum of this philosophy deals with the choice in subject matter and elective as well as the emotional, esthetic, and philosophical subjects.
An obstacle to cognition wherein it refers to the tradition and practices as well as to beliefs which one accepts as frames of reference.
Philosophy of science is a branch of philosophyconcerned with the _______________________, _________________________ and _________________________
Errors in reasoning is known as.....................
Based on Rationalism.
(In ancient Rome) a group of three men holding power, in particular.
What is the full name of your Philosophy Teacher?
Enumerate at least 5 major disciplines of Social Science.
He proposed that everything that exist is based on a higher order or plan which he called logos
Philosophy comes from the Greek philosophia, meaning what?
Who lives were lived only for the purpose of becoming famous.
What does tabula rasa mean?
Based on a belief in a Supreme Beings or deities.
Even if the brain-in-a-vat scenario is impossible, you could still be a brain in a vat that thinks it is possible.
Helen Fisher found that these forms of "love" are distinctive.
Direct realism says that a tree is "simple". One option for what "simple" means is "involvement", and that means:
Gene Yang:
Plato's Allegory of the Cave can be interpreted as:
Social Reconstructionism is a philosophy of education referring to an approach to teaching that strives to bring about a __________ in society
Generally derived from the greek word "idean" meaning "to see."
Man Needs to philosophize because of ? you can choose as many as you like.
Branch of Philosophy that is primarily concerned with the questions pertaining to the good life
Descartes claimed that a non-existent being could still be perfect if it was God.
Animal rights activists believe that we shouldn't keep animals captive and make them do our will. They would have you abandon your pets in the wilderness.
Draw what you think is beautiful
Socrates was put to death because he was accused of corrupting the youth through his educational techniques.
He was a practical philosopher and believed that philosophy could enable man to live a life of happiness
What is the term used to describe both fundamental philosophical analysis of particular pedagogical approaches?
Who is considered as the first philosopher?
What is the another term of Pragmatism?
Said man needs to philosophize because of doubt.
Who live life with one aim, to become rich and wealthy
You didn't remember to take out the trash this morning. It will pile up, and the neighbors will complain, and the health inspectors will come and take away the kids.
In The Matrix, people's brains are not removed from their bodies.
All students eat pizza.Carlo is a student.Therefore: ____________
Which of the following is NOT a role of the teacher in the Social Reconstructionism philosophy?
An animistic religion influenced by Japanese myth and tradition.
A race is a biological construct that allows us to distinguish groups from one another.
In Existentialism LATIN WORD (Ex- Means "OUT)?
It was developed and taught by Supreme Sage K'ung-fu-tsu and became the principle guiding philosophy of China.
Father of Existentialism
Those people which are just a minority, who live life not to become rich or famous, but who live life with one purpose in mind.
The subdivisions of branches of philosophy (according to Lee Archie) are:
This branch of philosophy studies the concept of knowledge.
Ethics and moral are the same?
They were excellent public speakers. A group of teacher who travelled around Greece to teach peple who wants to learn.
If someone is a cheat and a liar, you might say, "She is not a (an) ________ person."
Question dealing with our own correctness and values.
Sherri Ortner argued that women, if seen as a mediating element between nature and culture, then:
Thales approach was to reduce the ________________ of things in a single stuff.
What makes a bad decision bad? A question that falls under the branch of Philosophy called _________.
A philosophical tradition founded by Gautama Siddhartha Buddha in 5th century B.C.
The statement, "I am and am not an animal." would be an example of:
Emphasis on morality, virtue, calm, and emotional fortitude
systematic analysis of the validity of arguments and statements.
How was Socrates?
Series of question
A western philosophy refers to the external world of objects is not imaginary.
80% of the fibers going to the brain's vision center come from the subject's two retinas.
The meaning of telos
Millions of people drink Diet Coke every year, so it must be the best soft drink in the world.
It is a field of philosophy that is generally focused on how reality and the universe began.
Rachels portrays circumstances in which he thinks it would be reasonable for you to believe that until recently you had been a brain in a vat for many years.
In Plato's Symposium, love tries to "heal the wound of nature" by:
Esther Perel argues that committed couples achieve greater intimacy through more communication and continued contact with one another.
The Head of the Philosophos
An early proponent of the progressive education movement of John Dewey
Thales and Anaximander would be considered:
The study of the nature of value and valuation
It is the study of the nature of art and the objective judgement of beauty.
Descartes said that God would not deceive us as to whether we are experiencing physical objects.
Fulfillment of duties and behavior in accordance with the established order.
Saracen philosophy and Christian philosophy belongs to?
Man will never understand the human condition and the meaning of life
An idealist still thinks physical objects exist, but believes that we experience them indirectly by way of ideas.
A perspective which shows that each event is determined or influenced by a specific set of events or factors.
What branch philosophy deals with questions regarding reality and existence?
A Fishing village and center of trade and commerce in ancient Greece, was the ideal place for the first practice of philosophy to emerge. It was considered the greatest and wealthiest of Greek cities. It became the melting pot of ideas from other cultures in other parts of the globe.
It deals with the nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge.
What branch of philosophy deals with the study of social institutions and the state?
According to the "commonsense view" of perception:
Immanuel Kant said that the perceiving mind is not a passive recorder of external reality.
Branch in Philosophy that is concerned with demonstrable principles, and the structure of arguements and statements
Metaphisics is the study of_____________________
What is the meaning of the Greek word "Sophia"?
Emphasis on the practical use of knowledge and ideas
Belief on one God (monotheism), who has a role in the ultimate destiny of mankind; The Jewish people are God's chosen people.
If you think that beliefs can be best justified in light of the evidence we receive from the mental process of reasoning or intuition, then you are a:
Steven Pinker argues that the "mystery of consciousness" can be explained:
A naturalistic philosophy that give a way to unify one with the ultimate reality.
Deals with moral questions and dilemmas.
When we travel to faraway places because of their exotic allure or "natural" escape, we call this:
Which is Different:
What does tabula rasa mean?
Hedwig reshapes the story presented in Plato's Symposium by:
Bodybuilding is so tough that it's so difficult to keep your macros balanced. The testosterone level in your body matters. You have to intake the proper amount of amino acids to heal muscles and avoid unnecessary exercises to prevent muscle skewness. But I can train you well if you come to me.
An assumption is:
The following are the western philosophy except;
It is the root cause that explains almost everything in a given context.
Sherlock Homes found clues that led him to make deductive conclusions that led him to the actual characters responsible for the crime.
A proponent of Social Reconstructionism that believes that systems must be changed to overcome oppression and improve human conditions.
Belief in cycle of birth and rebirth
When a professional accepts payments to commit a wrongful act, we say that he/she is not acting according to the ___________ code.
Choose the correct specific aspects of Socrates' ethical influence.
Major branch in metaphysics, the study of being/existence
Branch in philosophy that is concerned with beauty and art
Related concepts are purpose and origin
According to the brain-in-a-vat scenario, the computer hooked up to the brain in the vat has to receive outputs from the brain.
It is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations, including the sublime, comic, tragic, pathetic, and ugly.
Teacher H ask one of her students, "What do you want to become when you grow up"? This question is an indication of what kind of philosophy?
The allegory of the cave argues what?
A western philosophy refers to the action that get priority over thought.
Descartes denied that an evil demon could make me believe I am thinking that 2 + 3 = 5, when I am not.
Paulo Freire quoted that " _________________ does not changes the world. It changes people."
What is the main point of medieval philosophy?
Person A: - "Paul is a talented teacher. His fees should be increased."Person B: - "So what you are saying is others are not talented teachers."
Knowledge often is defined as (by Plato and other philosophers):
Pythagoras believed that:
_____ serves as " Natural Protection" from the typhoon and considered as the backbone o luzon.
Also known as political theory, is the study of topics such as
The reality that exists outside our human experience.
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