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Combines pedagogical training with sales techniques, preparing educators to effectively teach sales and marketing concepts in secondary schools.
the law says it must be done
Which political agenda gave birth to this act?
At what age does secondary education start in Bangladesh?At the age
Which President designed act I of the law?
Regarding co-education at the secondary stage, the 1952-53 Education Commission has suggested that
How many states were there when the constitution was signed?
when you officially agree to take something that you have been offered
Determination of each student’s proper social role will comes under which category of functions of secondary education?
School health professionals often state that the ____________________ began in 1850.
It is actively involved in determining the design of a school health program and in supporting and reinforcing the goals of program.
What provides funding to school districts?
How was Obama's reauthorized act called?
How many times did title I needed to get reauthorized for the first 15 years of the act?
At what age does secondary education starts in Somalia?
At what age does secondary education start in Venezuela?
Who was the president when the constitution was being wrote?
How many titles were after 1965?
At what age does secondary education start in Zimbabwe?
-----------------------is the main characteristics of Higher Secondary Education in India
The Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education identified the desired outcomes where _______________ was the first of seven cardinal outcome objectives.
How was Bush's reauthorized act called?
Subjects required under the enacted law in United States.____________ and ____________Write the complete name of the subject including "and"
At what age does secondary education start in Colombia?
What are the three criterias for the fulfillment of Universalisation of Secondary Education ?
Lessons about fire prevention, traffic safety and bicycle safety are included in this particular subject.
exists among a group of people at a certain time
to get something that you want, especially through your own effort, skill, or work
_______________ vaccination became a prerequisite to school attendance during the outbreak of this communicable disease.
How many titles did the act orginally count?
The vision of ‘Universalisation of Secondary Education ‘provides ____________in terms of ____________,_________________,______________to all learners at the corresponding age level.
In what years was President Obama's reauthorized law issued?
The syllabus of secondary education must consist of -------------------and Elective subjects
When was title VII added?
List out the educational boards working in Indian secondary educational system
One of the objectives of Secondary Education is to encourage the individuals to struggle for the social__________________of the country
Suggest the qualities needed for the learners to develop the democratic citizenship as suggested by the mudaliar commission?
a job that is available for someone to start doing; a room in a hotel or building that is not being used and is available for someone to stay in
not involving anything or anyone else
In what year was Bush reauthorized act issued?
How many founding fathers were in the United States?
The right to bear arms
accepted by or involving most people in a society
Which title is about school library resources?
_______________ have been the focus of numerous and varied efforts to promote and secure the health of young people.
Which title is about language instruction?
Mention the recommendations of Secondary Education Commission on the ways through which education can improve vocational efficiency?
the feeling that the purpose of your life is to do a particular type of work, especially because it allows you to help other people
An important intervention during the emergence of tuberculosis.
something that must happen or exist before something else can happen
The students of the secondary education should have the sense of co operation, __________, self control and Hard work
At what age does secondary education start in Japan?
When was the ECIA introduced?
Which agenda gave birth to this act?
At what age does secondary education start in Iran?
to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen
if several people or things constitute something, they are the parts that form it
At what age does secondary education start in Romania?
At what age does secondary education start in Chile?
What is title 6 about?
At what age does secondary education start South Africa?
Which title is about financial assistance?
These relationships are evident in the policies and programs of the school.
Which act was introduced in 1981?
Which president designed act I
The secondary education should be accountable to the complete progress and to__________a student’s responsibility
The era of school medical inspection began earnest at the end of the nineteenth century with___________________ as in-charge in medical inspection.
what year was the constitution created in?
describing or relating to only the main features or parts of something, not the details
Identification of strengths and weakness of learners will comes under which category of functions of secondary education?
permission given to someone to enter a building or place, or to become a member of a school, club etc
_Select the objectives of Higher Secondary Education in India
What are the major three structures of secondary level of education existing in India?
In what year was title 7 added?
Until and unless the primary education is not extended to 8th class, the secondary education has to be divided in to two classes, namely
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