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Examines the ethical and societal considerations in various professional fields, preparing students to navigate complex social issues and make decisions.
The longer a problem persists, the more of a nuisance it is for the customer.
There is a reason that certain people advance more quickly than others in their careers. They have mastered the art of speaking-up by having a balanced voice that their colleagues respect and admire.
These are guidelines that state the dos and dont's of a professional that protects individual members and their image.
__________ use policies and procedures to outline rules outline courses of action to deal with problems.
It is one of the most powerful and persuasive approaches to normative ethics in the history of philosophy.
Penetration can be done with or without the use of the internet
To give separation pay such as when termination is due to redundancy, but not when the employer is suffering from severe financial losses
Every employee shall be assured security of tenure. No employee can be dismissed from work except for a just or authorized cause, and only after due process.
Kantian is a philosophical view or theory about how we should evaluate a wide range of things that involve choices that people face.
Immanuel Kant is a __________________ philosopher
AIs have the capacity to perform better than the world best experts at many tasks already and are making the world healthier
Men who have experienced sexual or physical abuse at the hands of their partners are twice as likely to have an abortion, almost twice as likely to have depression and, in some regions, 1.5 times more likely to acquire HIV compared with women who have not experienced partner violence.
Individuals whose data are mined can become identified with or linked to certain newly created groups.
If the codes of conduct focuses on rules and guidelines, autonomy focuses on
Employees who are working with children are also required to report if an Apprehended Violence Order has been issued against them where a child is recorded as requiring protection from them, or if a report to Family & Community Services has been made about their conduct which meets the definition of reportable conduct.
reclusion and isolation
Workers should get at least ____ paid regular holidays and seven special holidays annually
Which of the following is a purpose of a social networking web site? I Breakdown the barriers of distance and time II Bridge cultural differences III Create an online community IV Social Interaction
More than __________ children throughout the globe that are of the age to be in primary education are not enrolled in school.
It takes part in building character traits in people.
Politicians and attorneys take the Hippocratic Oath to provide the best medical care to their patients and to protect human life.
It is an unethical or unprofessional behaviour that falls short of the ethical or professional standards, guides or codes of conduct, accepted by a particular profession.
Do not listen to customer complaints.
Which of the following does not describe the word ethics?
Conventional ethical relativism supports the view that the truth of moral principles is relative to beliefs.
The global temperatures are rising, and are estimated to decrease from 2.6 degrees Celsius to 4.8 degrees Celsius by 2100.
It is a three dimensional interactive computer generated environment that incorporates a first person perspective
One of the contributing factors in the cause of violations is when consumers lack the knowledge of how what they consider a little bit of information can turn into a big invasion of privacy
Individuals found guilty of child pornography violated _____________
It occurs when a corporation or person becomes unreliable because of a clash between personal and professional affairs.
It means ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.
Ethical decisions cannot generate and sustain trust; demonstrate respect, responsibility, fairness and caring; and are consistent with good citizenship. These behaviors provide a foundation for making better decisions by setting the ground rules for our behavior.
All stakeholders should be able to understand the rationale and be able to live with the decision.
It is a right to distribute, display, perform, or reproduce an original work in copies or to prepare derivative works based on the work
The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. For reporting purposes this definition includes: unlawful entry with the intent to commit a theft or felony and attempts to commit either.
Teological is a form of ____________________.
Everyone has the right to expect that they will be spoken to in a reasonable manner by colleagues and managers.
Which statement is true about Artificial Intelligence? I Artificial intelligence studies concentrate on a limited number of areas II Artificial intelligence is bounded to the potential of solving real life problems
Wages should be paid directly to the employee in cash, legal tender, or through a bank. Wages shall be given not less than once every two weeks or twice within a month at intervals not exceeding 16 days.
The data that the AI technology is using to train and learn mostly coveres all the aspect of human behavior
You shall respect and value alternative viewpoints and, seek, accept and offer honest criticisms of work.
It is a form of monetary benefit given to every rank-and-file employee payable before the end of every year as stipulated by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
Which of the following refers to a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognized body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level?
Socialization is the process through which people are taught to be proficient members of a society.
It is a gender related issue where at least 200 million women and girls alive today have undergone female genital mutilation. In most of these cases, the majority of girls were cut before age five.
Public policy problems are those that must not be addressed by laws and regulations adopted by government.
Employees have a responsibility to create and maintain full, accurate and honest records of their work activities, decisions and other business transactions.
The increasing level of familiarity in human actions, may it be good or bad is called _______
It includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, which is included as part of sexual harassment.
computer programs
When we focus on the duties and obligations that we have in a given situation, and consider what ethical obligations we have and what things we should never do.
For formal education to be effective in teaching and enforcing the pillars of professionalism it must be _________
It has been linked to depression, self-injurious behaviors, sleep disturbances, increased alcohol and tobacco use, and obesity
According to this theory actions are judged according on the results. For example, a person kills one person to prevent the deaths of others.
There are however exceptions to these provisions when the employee authorized his employer in writing to pay his wages to a member of his family
How many principles of public life are discussed?
Worms are programs where malicious code is hidden inside a seemingly harmless program
It is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognized body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level.
It is threatening behavior or unwanted advances directed at an adult using the Internet or other forms of online and electronic communications
The RA No 8187, or Paternity Leave Act of 1996, grants seven days of fully paid leave to married fathers This is effective up to the first four deliveries of the legitimate spouse
The decision-making process is developed that individuals tend to execute automatically without thinking about the steps that go through. The step that involves others in brainstorming is __________.
When we focus on the future effects of the possible courses of action, considering the people who will be directly or indirectly affected.
Is conflict of interest considered professional misconduct?
In contemporary moral philosophy, it is one of those kinds of normative theories regarding which choices are morally required, forbidden, or permitted.
Licensees shall obtain written __________ from the parents who are participating in the evaluation, encompassing all disclosures of information to other persons, including other participants in the evaluation, attorneys, and the court
AIs are software programs that are vulnerable to attack just like all software
While confidentiality is an ethical duty, privacy is a right rooted in common law.
It is an international issue where there are 795 million people who do not have enough to eat.
It mandates the fixing of the minimum wages applicable to different industrial sectors, namely, non-agriculture, agriculture plantation, and non-plantation, cottage/handicraft, and retail/service, depending on the number of workers or capitalization or annual gross sales in some sectors.
It means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law
Among women who experienced medical complications during pregnancy or delivery, only one in three received the care they or their newborns needed.
It is when ethical reasoning remained the same even with the evolution of ethical discipline.
It is an economic activities offered by one part to another, typically incorporating time based performances to bring about the desired results in the recipients themselves or in objects and other assets for which the purchasers are responsible.
reckless hindering
It is a Website that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer
It will be important to consider for clinical and non-clinical situations. Understanding the constraints and parameters within which decisions are being made will contribute to a well-rounded process.
It refers to standards of behavior that tell us how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves-as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople, teachers, professionals, and so on.
As the social network grows, it tends to lose the nuances of a local system So in order to maintain the qualities of network properties, one must take note of the size
It refers to personal information shared with an attorney, physician, therapist, or other individual that generally cannot be divulged to third parties without the express consent of the client.
It is is used to specify the technologies which must be used for a specific task and guidelines are only suggestions and are not mandatory.
Which does not belong to the group?
Medical insurance alone can cost several hundred dollars a month That's why it's important to consider benefits as part of your total compensation
Deontology is based from the work of this philosopher.
He is one who willingly "adopts" and consistently applies the knowledge, skills, and values of a chosen profession
It includes the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information at the servers
It is a gender related issue where there are approximately 774 million illiterate adults in the world and two-thirds of them are women.
Services have 3 major properties; Intangibility, Inseparability, and Perishability
The Philippine government has not created any institutions, but these have been criticized as having very little power to enforce the code.
Type of values that reflect on how your organisation shows up and operates in the world.
By providing increased access and flexibility in employee benefits, employers can not only recruit but retain qualified employees.
unauthorized access
It is a situation in which someone in a position of responsibility in an organization has outside conflicting interests and acts in their own interest rather than the interest of the organization.
As you mature in your career, so should your voice.
Part of good judgment is also not overreacting or reacting emotionally in highly tense situations.
These are acts which violate the constitutional right workers to organize and are considered inimical to the legitimate interests of both the worker and the employer, especially their right to bargain collectively and deal with each other peacefully.
Sometimes, it's prudent to not voice an opinion, depending on the leader, the venue and the other people present.
In defined benefit plans (sometimes called pension plans), the benefit amount is pre-determined based on salary and the years of service In these plans, the employer bears the risk of the investment
Wages should be paid at least once every 2 weeks or twice a month at intervals not exceeding 16 days
No matter what option is being discussed, any viable solution to an ethical situation will need to reflect the values of all parties involved.
These are any perks offered to employees in addition to salary
shapes and colors
This penalty will cause an accused to be imprisoned for two to four decades
It is a mediation of interaction through an electronic medium between humans and humans as well as between humans and machines
The human errors in coding can be sometimes referred to as
It is simply, what you believe about the educational process, and how you plan to approach your classroom/students given what you believe.
Identify all the rules, guidelines, codes, and obligations that might need to be considered. These can be formal and binding, like laws, policies or professional standards, or informal, like social norms and cultural practices.
"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord"
In many cases, the core competencies are the same for many of the jobs on your resume.
Ethical decision making is the process of making a decision which may result in one or more moral conflicts while ethical reasoning is when ethical principles is integrated in the reasoning process
Your skills will only take you so far unless you also display other aspects of professionalism.
It is an employee's behaviour, which is serious enough to potentially destroys the relationship between an employer and employee.
Gross misconduct is an employee's behaviour, which is serious enough to potentially destroys the relationship between an employer and employee.
It refers to personal information shared with an attorney, physician, therapist, or other individual that generally cannot be divulged to third parties without the express consent of the client
A provider of service should first inquire the customer before an action of service should be done. This statement shows _______.
Identifying and acknowledging your own values, assumptions, commitments and biases is a critical process. Your gut feelings and personal motivations can have a profound effect on your decisions. Consider these objectively to make sure your decision-making process is based on the most important considerations, and results in the best decision, all things considered.
This is the first and most important step in solving your problem. It is easy to get off on the wrong track, or to jump to premature conclusions. Take some time to consider the nature of the problem and how you know it's a problem. Use your ethical sensitivity.
By providing increased access and flexibility in employee benefits, employers can only recruit but not retain qualified employees
No matter what the situation or the position is, an employee who attends and leaves the office late must be appreciated on the grounds that he has an attractive and useful quality which in turn brings good results
Morality is enforced by the authority that enacted them and security forces
If a Vital Record is in a format only readable by specific equipment (i.e., microfilm reader, computers), procedures for accessing/obtaining the equipment must be arranged.
Think about the possible outcomes of the situation Sometimes a decision will be made on the basis of what will/might happen as a result, and whether the decision-maker is prepared to live with the consequences
reckless alteration
What is a potential cause or situation in which conflicts or misunderstandings can happen?
It is sometimes referred to as a Value Statement.
Building strong business relationships can be an effective way to decrease your chances of success in the business world.
Scholars and those involved in human research have legal and ethical obligations to protect the privacy of persons who agree to participate in clinical studies and other research projects.
It describes the goal that organizations aspire to achieve in their efforts to ensure that they are aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations
Gambling in the workplace, other than harmless team building activities such as workplace Lotto syndicates, football or other sport tipping competitions are welcomed.
You cannot require as a condition of employment or continuation of employment that a woman employee shall not get married.
Which is not a characteristic of an intellectual object:
Under time work on any particular day shall not be offset by overtime work on any other day
Before taking action, it is a good idea to make sure that you have gathered all of the pertinent information, and that all potential sources of information have been consulted.
Personal emotions behind actions also do not matter within Kantian deontology because Kant believed humans do not always have rational control over their emotions.
Competence means attaining and maintaining an adequate level of knowledge and skill, and application of that knowledge and skill in providing services to clients.
Under time work on any particular day shall not be offset by overtime work on any other day.
Even with long years of experience, skills based on shallow knowledge of the field could be damaging to the profession
Shapes cannot be registered as trademarks if the shapes are not necessitated by technical factors
The word deontology derives from the Greek words for duty (deon) and science (or study) of (logos).
These are set of programs that enables its user to gain administrator level access to a computer without the end user’s consent or knowledge
One benefit of duplication is the minimal chance that the primary copy and all distributed copies will be destroyed.
Since morality is culturally based, individuals are bound to live within the guidelines the society lives with
The 13th month pay covers only the basic salary of the employee, which does include allowances and monetary benefits that are not considered or integrated as part of the employee's regular compensation.
These are written in response to contemporary conditions, and by attending to their history we can see why they became necessary and consider the need for new or revised codes.
It demands honesty and candor which must not be subordinated to personal gain and advantage.
Ideas are one type of opinion that is critical to voice with peers or leaders because they shape the future of the organization.
Witness Protection
It behaves like the Constitution with general principles to guide behaviour; outlining a set of principles that affect decision-making
The main protection method for Vital Records is through _____________
Employees must have illegal drugs in their possession while at work. Any illegal drugs found on Departmental property or in the possession of any person on Departmental property will be reported to the Police
Harassment is a form of discrimination and it mainly involves making decisions that negatively affect an individual
One relativist slogan is no moral principles are true for all people at all times and in all places.
Match the following words to the given choices
This framework is useful in situations that ask what sort of person one should be
No code, no matter how severely enforced will make truly bad people good.
It involves the indirect gathering of personal information through an analysis of implicit patterns discoverable in data.
Human Nature can result to a bias environment that AIs might learn from
When overtime work is necessary to avail of favorable weather or environmental conditions where performance or quality of work is dependent thereon.
Upon the age of 60 years or higher, the employee who has served a company for at least five years may be granted a ________ equivalent to at least one-half month of salary for every year of service.
In the language of utilitarians, we should choose the option that "maximizes utility," i.e. that action or policy that produces the largest amount of good.
There are ___________ frameworks that is useful in ethical decision making.
It is a cornerstone of achieving success in the business world that will serve you well throughout your career.
Respect for client confidentiality and staff personal information should be a low priority for all community services to comply with legislation that governs disclosure of information.
This is another term for large commercial databases
Preventing of unauthorized disclosure of information
It is the core of human dignity and autonomy
When we try to identify the character traits (either positive or negative) that might motivate us in a given situation.
Vital Records should be stored in a format that will last as long as the records are needed.
You cannot compel employees to purchase your goods or services or to patronize any store or products of any other person.
It is a principle that can be found at the core of contemporary ethics codes
Pab-IBIG provides housing loans, calamity loans, and multi-purpose loans to employees in the Philippines. The repayment is covered by both the employer and employee and the employees share is deducted from his or her salary.
It's also important to note that suspension should not be seen as a sanction.
A common workplace __________________ involves a manager and his or her employee who are married or dating and have a relationship.
You shall develop your professional knowledge, skills and competence on a continuing basis, maintaining awareness of technological developments, procedures, and standards that are relevant to your field.
Determining customer behavior and preferences
It refers to the freedom from intrusion into one's personal matters, and personal information.
Determinative Laws fixes ways of acting in accordance with natural law.
Employees should get a comprehensive ______________ package that includes eligible dependents and provided through accredited hospitals by Medicard. Also included are dental benefits, outpatient medicine reimbursement, and maternity grant.
An employer commits sexual harassment when a sexual favor is made as a condition for hiring and for continued employment or reemployment. (Section 3, RA 7877)
It is unreasonable, because it claims that there is no absolute truth yet people still act as if there is.
If you're a labor-management specialist, a few of your core competencies would include communication, negotiation and conflict-resolution skills.
Listening in to other people's conversations is an example of what privacy violation?
It also means the quality of possessing high moral principles or professional standards and steadfastly adhering to them.
Excellent customer service goes beyond doing precisely as your expected, and it's more than having a smile on your face when the customer is looking
Breaching confidentiality is considered professional misconduct.
GSIS is an insurance program mandated by the Philippine government to cover all income earners or workers in the private sector, in contrast, government workers are covered by the SSS.
Which of the following does not belong to the group?
Fringe benefits are a variety of cash payments are used to attract and retain talented employees They may include tuition assistance, flexible medical or child-care spending accounts (pre-tax accounts to pay qualified expenses), other child-care benefits, and non-production bonuses (bonuses not tied to performance)
A man who did something to help others but it is against his will is not considered good. This is an example of _________.
It is hardware or software used to isolate the sensitive portions of an information system facility from the outside world and limit the potential damage that can be done by a malicious intruder
When you voice your opinion consistently, you set a tone for yourself. You begin to command respect from those who are not courageous enough to express themselves. But with expectation, comes responsibility.
Inappropriate worker behaviour can also be incorporated in a code of conduct.
The danger with information matching is that no one knows who will use the built profiles from the matched information and where it will be used
Its goal is to create a buzz about a product or idea that spreads wide and fast
The decisions we make all occur within a complex set of relationships and interconnections Rarely are decisions purely autonomous The relationships in our lives profoundly influence our decisions This is especially true in the context of emotionally charged health decisions What might not seem rational to a health care provider makes perfect sense to the person who is considering the decision's potential effects on the people in their life
This theory states that ethical statements cannot be proven and are really only statements about how someone feels.
Which is not included in employee benefits?
He is one of the leading proponents of what is now called "classic utilitarianism"
It states that the protection of confidential information is a fundamental feature of your relationship with clients and that the duty continues after the end of the retainer and even after the death of the client.
An AI can achieve its goal without going through consequences
Merriam-Webster defines professionalism as "the skill, good judgment and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well."
To ensure confidentiality, workers should only access confidential information for work that is not covered by their job description and the policies and procedures of the organisation.
Sensors, Security Lighting and Natural Trees
It aims to establish the highest principles and standards.
Ethics is defined as a field of inquiry whose subject is human actions and these human actions are called
It is a type of offense when an individual accesses the whole or part of a computer system without permission or right
It is an interpretation is done based on a system that uses a process of argumentation consisting of a mixture of inductions and deductions
The skill, good judgment and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.
All Utilitarians would abide by the principle of producing the most good with the least harm
Humans are not perfect; they are emotional, biased, easily manipulated and easily bored beings Machines, however, don‘t have any of these problems
Any pregnant woman employee who has worked with the company for at least six months will be granted____________ of at least two weeks prior to her due date (expected date of delivery) and four weeks after normal delivery or miscarriage with full pay based on her regular salary.
unauthorized ways
It is earned by employees while they work. The three common types of paid time off are holidays, sick leave, and vacation leave.
Encryption and Authentication
Codes of Ethics are designed to anticipate and prevent certain specific types of behavior; e.g. conflict of interest, self-dealing, bribery, and inappropriate actions.
Some issues become considered a personal problem only if citizens, policymakers, or other parties call attention to the condition or behavior
Now that you've considered the dilemma and your own position on it, think about the question a little further. What is the nature of the conflict and the problem that needs to be solved? Ethical dilemmas are often framed using the word "should".
It describes the ways that people come to understand societal norms and expectations, to accept society's beliefs, and to be aware of societal values.
When we use our _______ to make decisions, we make a deliberate choice to focus on what is important to us.
Only one class of people or those who are rich, partake in substance abuse, and it is a persistent issue throughout the world.
E-mail Fraud
A good professional partnership is not only powerful and long lasting, but highly supportive as well.
Ethics is not the same as feelings. Feelings provide important information for our ethical choices.
The last step on the road to good customer service happens way before any chats or calls with customers and it's about hiring the right people for the job.
A/an ____________may reveal client confidences and secrets, to the extent reasonably necessary
These are attributes that enable you to perform your job duties
It is an act of seeking public attention to what is considered an illegal or mismanaged act
You can not show good judgment in the way you dress, speak and act in both your public and private life.
Dramatizations, translations, and adaptations of musicals are example of
It is a major cause of poverty considering how it affects the poor the most, eroding political and economic development, democracy and more.
Dental and optical care might be offered as part of an overall medical insurance package.
It is the harassment, torment, humiliation, or threatening of one minor by another minor or group of minors via the Internet or cell phone
It can cause harm by failing to uphold standards of accuracy
With the relationship between the provider and receiver of the service/product present, a power play may sometimes be in favor of the provider not the receiver
The short text messages in Twitter are called
The Labor policy in the Philippines is specified mainly by the ____________ and through other labor laws.
Once the decision is made, communicated and implemented, it is not important to review it so you can hopefully sleep more easily, knowing you made the best possible choice
If intimidation and fear of reprisals is present, __________ is good because useful information may be revealed
It is an unwritten law that holds our rights of self-preservation
Which among the following has the shortest imprisonment charge
Personal responsibility refers to a person's individual obligations to herself, family, friends, community and coworkers.
Instilling fear and doubt and compromising the integrity of the data can lead to
There are however exceptions to these provisions when payment to another person of any part of the employee's wages is authorized by existing law such as that under the PAGIBIG law where remittance is a duty of the employer
As soon as the minor incident has been brought to attention, it is the duty of the maintenance and secretary to carry out a fact-finding investigation.
Our actions have consequences on others in our society and on the environment in which we live.
Critics of the labor rights movement claim that regulation promoted by labor rights activists may limit opportunities for work.
Another important aspect to reflect upon are the various individuals and groups who may be affected by your decision. Consider who might be harmed or who might benefit.
A moral principle is a categorical imperative that is universalizable; that is, it must be applicable for everyone who is in the same moral situation.
All employees in all establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not are entitled to overtime pay for work rendered beyond eight (8) hours
AIs are able to automating parts of people‘s jobs and it wont affect the employment rate in a company
Attending social business mixers, sending an email just to catch up, or giving them a call to congratulate them on a promotion.
It may arise whenever there are cultural differences. It happens when you work with people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Relationships that enable trust and bring exceptional results don't happen unless there's a conscious intention to make them happen.
A patent must not be obvious to the general public
It is the data left behind by users of electronic media
These rights are expressly provided by the 1987 Constitution and the Labor Code. Employers should not interfere with or deny their employees their right to form organizations for their mutual aid or protection and to form unions for the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of employment with their employer.
Ethical principles are rules or obligations that guide action. Often, an ethical situation involves conflicts between and among principles.
It may arise whenever there are cultural differences. It happens when you work with people from culturally diverse backgrounds,
Adult women and girls account for 71 percent of all human trafficking victims detected globally.
If a breach of confidentiality occurs regarding medical or legal information, the breaching individual may be subject to penalties by his employer, or by the board that issued his _____________
Confidential information is regularly handled by the following except:
It is a messaging social platform that enables a user to chat with friends by using pictures
Maintaining the status quo by preventing the unauthorized modification of files is an example of
Due to the decreasing number of regulations and need for operational transparency, organizations are increasingly adopting the use of consolidated and harmonized sets of compliance controls.
when you withhold information
It is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation
Type of values that reflect on how you relate to other people in your life, be they friends, family or colleagues in your organisation.
Which is not true about an Insider Threat
The moral concept of whistle-blowing is good when the activities involved pose serious danger and harm to human life
No Identity
These are words or phrases interrelated to ethics.
Under what condition can data collections become an invasion of privacy?
Normally information should be limited to those who need to know in order to conduct their duties, or to those who can assist in carrying out our work because of their expertise.
It enables an individual to capture life's best moments with thier phone’s camera or any other camera, and convert them into works of art
Licensees shall not agree to requests by participants in a parenting plan evaluation that information shared with the licensee be concealed.
Republic Act No 8293 is also known as the __________
As a legal term, secrecy refers to a duty of an individual to refrain from sharing confidential information with others, except with the express consent of the other party
Resourcefulness is the ability to find solutions where there are no easy answers and deal with problems when you don't have all the information or tools available to you
It is when an action is right if the consequences of that action are favorable to all except the actor
It is difficult for some employees to voice, but these opinions are a vital part of improving quality.
They have a responsibility to ensure that all employees reporting to them comply with their records management obligations. Employees must not destroy records without appropriate authority.
The employee who renders overtime will be given additional compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at least 25% premium.
Which is true about Licensing Authorities. I. Before a license is issued an individual must be tested. II. Violation of the rules from the licensing authority may lead to recalling of the license III. After the test, the licensing authority may deny issuing the license
It is in a format only readable by specific equipment (ie, microfilm reader, computers), procedures for accessing/obtaining the equipment must be arranged
Which is true about Morality?
creative works
The two kinds of rules of conduct; Directives which involves the macroethical level and Social policies that involves the microethical level.
The Code does not attempt to provide a detailed and exhaustive list of what to do in every aspect of our work instead it represents a broad framework that will help all employees decide on an appropriate course of action when faced with an ethical issue or professional decisions.
A notable difference between minor and gross professional misconduct is the respective level of sanctions that can be applied in each case.
The danger with information matching is that everyone knows who will use the built profiles from the matched information and where it will be used
They use hacking to achieve a political or social goal
Coded Messages
We often use the terms "confidentiality" and "privacy" interchangeably in our everyday lives. However, they mean distinctly different things from a legal standpoint
Staff, clients/patients/residents and families will never bring their own personal values to a discussion.
The owner of a patent has no right to prevent third parties from using the patented product if it has been put on the market by the owner of the product
It applies the Code of Ethics to a host of relevant situations
It protects your family in case you die. Benefits are paid all at once to the beneficiaries of the policy - usually a spouse or children.
Codes can help provide the pride of belonging to a group or a profession.
These individuals test the limitations of information systems out of intellectual curiosity
Serious proper use of an organization's property or name is considered gross misconduct
One of the advantages of anonymity is that disputes could be solved if information from individuals’ party to these disputes can reveal the necessary information
Employees are accountable for any documents that they sign. Therefore, employees should carefully read all documents they are asked to sign.
The person using the ____________________ desires to produce the most good
One of the most important things to do at the beginning of ethical deliberation is to locate, to the extent possible, the specifically ethical aspects of the issue at hand.
It is any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large numbers of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or behavior that needs to be addressed.
Legal acts conform to what an individual believes to be the right thing to do.
It is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively.
A patent claim can be cancelled if it adheres to the public order
It is written to guide behavior.
Public policy problems are those that must not be addressed by laws and regulations adopted by government
Ethical behavior should become a habit and effective codes allow both bureaucrats and elected officials to test their actions against expected standards.
He wrote "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were togovern men neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."
An employee's prime responsibility is to place the ______________ interest above their own personal interests
They launch computer-based attacks against other computers or networks in an attempt to intimidate or coerce a government in order to advance certain political or social objectives
Under Article 106 of our Labor Code, payment should be made directly to the employee and under Article 114, no deductions from the wages are allowed.
It is the position that all points of view are equally valid and the individual determines what is true and relative for them.
The main protection method for Vital Records is through Duplication/Dispersal of records.
Long-term success to ending world hunger starts with ending _______________.
List the options that are most acceptable to the individual or group that is most responsible for implementing the action plan
The key to good customer service is building good relationships with your customers.
Being able to maintain politeness and control even when dealing with distraught patients is not a valuable skill.
It is the belief that all moral rules are relative to the society that creates them.
It plays a vital role during the length of time that an official position is occupied and it has to do a lot in return for it.
Confidentiality is the keeping of another person or entity's information public
One of the most important elements of confidentiality is that it helps to build and develop __________________
The minimum employment age is 15 years of age Any worker below 15 years of age should be directly under the sole responsibility of parents or guardians provided that work does not interfere with the child's schooling or development
Ethics is not religion. Many people are not religious, but ethics applies to everyone. Most religions do advocate high ethical standards but sometimes do not address all the types of problems we face.
It is an international issue where more than 72 million children throughout the globe that are of the age to be in primary education are not enrolled in school.
The Paternity Leave benefit is effective up to the first four deliveries of the woman employee working in the company.
The rate is increased to thirty percent (30%) if the worker renders overtime on a holiday or rest day. (Article 87, LCP).
In Kantian, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced
Professional Codes of Conduct addresses the following except:
The employee cannot compel his employer to allow him to work overtime when the circumstances does not require him to do so as when there is actually no work to be performed.
Which of the following is not true about blogs?
It involve dual relationships; one person in a position in one relationship and a relationship in another situation
It comes from an enforceable part of the moral code that differs with each society and culture.
It is the acquisition of a domain name on the Internet in bad faith or with the intent to profit, mislead, destroy one’s reputation or deprive others from registering the same domain name
When two persons have jointly made an invention, the right to the patent shall belong to _______
An enthusiastic and informal answer simply won't work for a formal and annoyed customer, even if it's correct.
A professional was someone who derived their income from their expertise or specific talents, as opposed to a hobbyist or amateur.
The period should not exceed six (6) months from the date the employee started working, unless it is covered by an apprenticeship agreement stipulating a longer period.
Digital Signature
It goes beyond doing precisely as your expected, and it's more than having a smile on your face when the customer is looking.
_______________ of the Labor Code of the Philippines (LCP) describes different types of employment namely: regular, casual, project or seasonal.
In Spear-phishing, con artists send legitimate looking e-mails urging the recipient to take action to avoid a negative consequence or to receive a reward
An individual is not responsible for his/her own happiness, emotional well-being, intellectual development and career satisfaction.
A common domestic-partner benefit is access to family dental insurance, but that benefit is considered taxable income by the federal government.
Immanuel Kant is a __________________ philosopher.
It is the application of data mining techniques to discover patterns from the Web
Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person's safety or the safety of others or to suffer substantial emotional distress.
It is a human cognitive process of looking for ways to generate or affirm a proposition
Many of the principles expressed by these codes, such as honesty and accuracy, apply to ethical professionals broadly.
One of the contributing factors in the cause of violations is when consumers lack the ethics of how what they consider a little bit of information can turn into a big invasion of privacy
There are however no exceptions to these provisions when payment for union dues where the right to check-off has been recognized by the employer in accordance with a collective agreement or authorized in writing by the individual employees concerned;
An example of a conflict of interest would be a board member voting on the induction of lower premiums for companies with fleet vehicles when he is the owner of a truck company outside of the corporation.
It is a cultural difference where some cultures view conflict as a positive thing, whilst others try to avoid it. For example, many Eastern countries deal with their conflict quietly.
It is when laws are used to resolve interpersonal conflicts in a society.
Professional persons in different fields (including those working in the public schools) have legal and ethical responsibilities to safeguard the confidentiality of information regarding the clients in their care.
It might take the form of law, or regulation, or the set of all the laws and regulations that govern a particular issue or problem.
Showing an act of kindness in exchange to an equal act of kindness is an example what culturefree moral codes?
It usually refers to the knowledge and skills required to carry out activities.
Which is not an example of maintaining confidentiality?
Ethics codes are as old as antiquity.
Dating violence is violence by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.
A sociologist who wrote a paper "Broad and Narrow Socialization: The Family in the Context of a Cultural Theory"
Secret-key Encryption
Fairness is the provision of services in a reasonably prompt and thorough manner, including the proper planning for, and supervision of, the rendering of professional services.
Providing responses and solutions quickly is the speed at with which your customer service operates plays a huge part in creating an amazing experience.
This help your company maintain a degree of accountability in the eyes of internal and external stakeholders.
It is the most common variety of relativism.
Professionals habitually work directly with their clients rather than through intermediaries or proxies.
Rules that guides individual actions such as not taking the possessions of others are called
It is the desire to do the right thing regardless of the cost
It is an invasion of privacy by wrongful entry, seizing, or acquiring possession of the property of others
Which among the following has the longest imprisonment charge
Disability insurance replaces all or part of the income that is lost when a worker is unable to perform their job because of illness or injury
Reportable conduct does not mean any sexual offence or sexual misconduct committed against, with or in the presence of a child, including child pornography offences, or any assault, ill-treatment or neglect of a child, or any behaviour that causes psychological harm to a child.
Upon the age of 80 years or higher, the employee who has served a company for at least five years may be granted a retirement pay equivalent to at least one-half month of salary for every year of service.
They cover 38 million Filipinos who belong to the labor force and to some extent, as well as overseas workers.
There are two major ethics theories that attempt to specify and justify moral rules and principles: ethical relativism and deontological ethics.
Employees working with children are also required to report if an Apprehended Violence Order has been issued against them where a child is recorded as requiring protection from them, or if a report to Family & Community Services has been made about their conduct which meets the definition of reportable conduct.
Teological's goodness or badness is determined by the results or outcomes
It is one of the most difficult global issues to combat, as the umbrella term refers to ocean litter, pesticides and fertilizers, air, light and noise.
In order for professions and trades to uphold essential requirements, integrity, commitment, and professional codes of conduct must be met.
As humans tend to follow a life script, an individual's reaction to certain rules of conduct is always intentional.
Which is not true about the word profession?
Individuals whose data are mined cannot be identified with or linked to certain newly created groups.
The most common type of employment now is______.
A set of legal rights which result from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, and artistic fields is called
The alteration of information may be caused by the disclosure of personal information
One is not known by any name including pseudo names
There are different strands of information to be protected, which does not belong to a group:
Relying on an individual's or a society's personal choices is analogous to using our sense of touch to determine the extent of a child's fever.
Both the sender and the receiver each have a pair of keys, one public and one private
Relativism theorizes that truth is different for different people, not simply that different people believe different things to be true.
Frauds are sometimes a form of collaboration between an employee and a non-employee
It is a system created by and for human beings usually in public deliberations like a council of elders or representatives in national legislatures.
Policy is made on behalf of the ______________.
Which is not a type of employment?
___________ teaches impulse control and helps individuals develop a conscience.
The primary purpose of professional code of ethics is to promote the public image of the profession by specifying and enforcing the ethical behavior expected from its members
Actions taken by members of a profession must not be consistent with the values set out in the profession's code of ethics.
All of the statements are true about the first requirement of a Patent Work except:
Creating weak business connections can be easier said than done if you don't cultivate and nurture the relationship.
Which of the following is not an example of service industry?
It is developed over a period of time based on either the religion or culture of the indigenous people in the area.
Is the statement "Effective ethics codes are not merely a text" true?
When the completion or continuation of work started before the 8th hour is necessary to prevent serious obstruction or prejudice to the business or operations of the employer;
Seven days leave with pay for every year of service, on top of other leave privileges, e.g. maternity or paternity leave.
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