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Study of human cultures, societies, and their development over time, examining various aspects of human life, including language, beliefs, and behavior.
[Mead's Stages of Self-Development]This stage sets the state of self-development.
How is exogamy adaptive?
Name the subfields of physical anthropology
is the study of human beings as a species and as members of different cultures.
Artificial selectionrefers to:
A group of anthropologists found that in one community some Aeta have curly hair and some have straight hair. They aimed to explain these differences and whether it is present among all Aeta communities. What subfield of anthropolgy is mainly concerned in this scenario?
There is a clear trend throughout human history, that as the total social income of asociety increases with economic growth:
What is Ethnography?
Bonus question +3: Make a brief summary about your expositions.
The major process that explains descent withmodification is:
The form of genetic change that involvesgenes not being sampled representatively when parents produce offspring is
A group of aboriginal people who camp and forage together are called
Archbishop James Ussher is credited withcalculating the age of the earth at about?
Give one of the three main sources of human variation.
Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. GYOLOPORTHANThis is the study of humans- their origin, behavior, and their physical, social, and cultural development.
Discipline of Anthropology that deals with the study of human genetics.
What are the two ways of self-construction?
Which of the following disciplines focuses on the contribution of child-rearing to a human trait and practice.
The "descent" part of descent withmodification means that?
The final characteristic of culture is that never ______________.
Exogamy stands for
The commercial world's primary scale-related problems. Which are perhaps the most important threats to sustainable cultural development:
The Nuer established paternity based on
A macromutation is a mutation that:
Polynesian status systems
The most evident characteristic of modern society, characterized as having vigorous activity and progress.
A transfer of valuables between male heads of families to formalize marriages is called
What term refers to the culturally sanctioned practice of marrying someone within agroup to which one belongs?
"A multiple personality is in a certain sense of normal."
Name the fathers' of anthropoloy and explain about them
Workers in the area of planned culture change have noted that the most importantstimulant or motivator of change is:
Includes all the tangible and visible parts of culture, which includes foods, clothes, and even buildings.
Described as having two or more people interacting with one another, sharing similar characteristics, and whose members identify themselves as part of the group.
In MUSLIMS, the consumption of pork is not allowed, so _________________ is one of their primary source of meat.
It is one of the different versions of Diffusion theory which states that cultures have originated from one culture center.
Village exogamy and deferred exchange trading partnerships between men in potentiallyhostile villages:
Distinctive features of indigenous peoples that generate political conflict with largerscalecultures include:
He is the proponent of Theory of Cultural Relativism:
The contribution of Charles Darwin to thetheory of evolution was that he?
Give the term which relates to this state. "Cultural meanings derived from inside a given culture and presumed to be unique to that culture".
An allele is?
In Mendelian genetics, a recessive allele is?
The stratigraphic record shows us whichgeneral relationship between layers and time?
Dr. de Guzman visited the Aeta of Pampanga and the Agta of Sorsogon to analyze whether there are similarities in their marriage customs. What subfield is mainly concerned in this scenario?
The Polynesian system of mana:
The basic Aboriginal material inventory includes:
The idea ofbiological evolution goes back to?
Looks into the Biological Development of Humans and their contemporary variation.
Brown's work on the "folk" classification of plants and animals in different languages ledhim to conclude that:
It is typical of the collectivistic culture in East Asia stressing the essential connection between the individual to other people.
The combination of genes in an individual iscalled the?
Which of the following is not a major area in Biological Anthropology?
The social relations implied in the extensive use of material power and machinery in all processes of production.
Name the subfields of cultural anthropology
The basic laws of inheritance werearticulated by?
A group of students visited the ruins of an old civilization. They dug up tools that looked like it was used for carpentry, pots, jars and even old coins. By analyzing these tools, they aimed to reconstruct the daily life of the people who once lived there. What subfield is mainly concerned in this scenario?
The borrowing that takes place between cultures as a result of prolonged contact istermed:
16-20. Before 1937, Filipino women had no right of suffrage. After thesuccess of the April 30, 1937 plebiscite, the 1935 Constitutionextended the right to vote to women as well.1. This phenomenon is similar to many societies where women are treatedas second-class citizens, why do you think this is so? Why weren'twomen allowed to vote? Why are women allowed to vote now? Listpossible explanations using anthropology and sociology.2. How has women gaining the right to vote affected politics in thePhilippines? Has it been beneficial or not? Explain your answers.
Promote to study of a society’s culture through their belief systems, practices, and possessions.
Which of thefollowing is NOT included under the heading of genetic drift?
Polygamy describes
It studies the materials remains of humans; best known for the study of pre-historic cultures.
The transformation of the first chiefdoms into the first city-states in Mesopotamia byabout 3500 B.C. were based on
Define anthropology in your own words
Worldwide, the average number of people in foraging bands varies around:
A production system involving both competitive product markets and the commodification of labor power.
When a population splits into two or more newpopulations the process is called:
The process by which an ethnic group is forced to abandoned its language, culture and customs.
It is an anthropological perspective which believes that cultural development should be studied on its own cultural context through ethnographic data.
Social Group is either ___ or ___.
“Language is the _____________ of culture”
Linguistic relativity is the idea that:
___________are individuals in a society who have significant knowledge on the topic being studied by the Anthropologist.
It is macro theory in sociology that views society as system of interrelated parts that work together to encourage consensus.
Which of the following is not a sub-branch of Physical Anthropology?
He is one of the known Sociologists who studied social inequality and power struggles.
What is the term for the processes that are making nations and people increasingly interlinked and mutually dependent?
Examines the remains of ancient and historical human populations to promote an understanding of how humans adapted to their environment and developed.
According to Chagnon, Yanomamo men fight:
Which of the following supplies concreteevidence for the fact of evolution?
It promotes a holistic study of humans. Derived from two Greek words -Antropos (Human) -Logos (Study)
The English word "anthropology" comes from the _____ words for "human" and "study".
According to the multiregional theory of evolution
Immediate return production systems contribute to social equality because:
Katherine Ewing described the "_" as encompassing the physical organism, possessing psychological functioning and social attributes.
The measure of success under naturalselection is:
Like the Hawaiian and Mesopotamian kings, the Inca emperors expanded their socialpower by
When a random sampling causes some alleles to change in a gene pool, this is called _____________.
The set of naturalfeatures to which an organism is adapted and the way in which it is adapted isknown as its?
Populations over time develop traits that allow them to survive and reproduce successfully in their environment, while those who did not develop these traits have less chance of survival.
What component of cultural anthropology is comparative and focused on building upon our understanding of how cultural systems work?
Heterozygous means?
[Mead's Stages of Self-Development]stage is the level where the individual not only internalizes the other people’s perspectives, he or she is also able to take into account societal rules and adheres to it.
Which of the following evolutionary trends isNOT demonstrated by the fossil record?
Which of the following statements about culture is not true?
Patrilocality in Amazonia may be functionally associated with
What is the term for the gift that the wife's group gives to the husband's family?
When new sets of genetic combinations resultfrom population fissioning, the result is called:
Indiana Jones is an American media franchise based on the adventures of Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Jr., a fictional professor of archaeology that began in 1981 with the film Raiders of the Lost Ark. Who played India Jones?
Darwin's idea about the major process ofevolution is called?
Jean de Lamarck'sidea about biological evolution included both correct and incorrect parts. Which of his ideas has proved to becorrect?
Levi-Strauss argues that tribal peoples use mythical thought which:
The tribal world is characterized by
What is a totem?
The expression of a genetic combination iscalled the?
An anthropologist doing fieldwork strives to achieve the role of:
The study of environmental relationships iscalled?
The study of how an animal is adapted shouldfocus on its?
Nuer marriages are based on an agreement between the families of the bride andgroom involving rights over:
Give an example of counterculture and subculture
According to Goldman, Pacific Island societies were aristocracies based on
Describes the similarities and differences in culture.
Humans have approximately _________ genes.
What does patrilocal mean?
What is cultural relativism?
Alfred Russel Wallace is known for?
The "modification" part of descentwith modification means that?
Refers to the ties or connections that link you to your social group.
Alleles that are bothexpressed in the phenotype are said to be?
Which is NOT a part of Lamarck's inheritanceof acquired characteristics?
A set of directly interacting habitats makeup a(an)?
Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word.SFEILEBA state or habit of mind in which trust or confidenceis placed in some person or thing.
A species is best defined as?
A headman in Amazonian society
In which field does the following research question belong?"What are the factors that influence selected high school students' fascination over ethnic rituals in Baguio City?"
We may best picturethe relationships among all species as:
The process of diminishing returns suggests that states are likely to collapse because of:
All are anthropologists but one of them is an anthropologist that focuses on cultural development and changes of Man.
Matrilocality in Amazonia may be functionally associated with
One major criticism of the unilineal evolutionists' models of cultural evolution is that themodels:
When genes are exchanged or mixed betweenpopulations within a species, the process is called:
Mead developed a concept that proposed different stages of self-development. What are these stages?
It is a characteristic of individualistic culture that represents self as separate, distinct, with emphasis on internal attributes or traits, skills, and values.
Discipline of anthropology that focuses on use of language in a particular time and society.
is the study of past and present societies and the language, traditions, customs, and behaviour that make them unique.
A person who knows and is able to use several languages; commonly known as multi-lingual
Gametes are?
_Select "True" if the statement is true, otherwise select the correct word that makes the statement true.Sociology comes from the Latin words socius and logos which literally mean “study of society.”
The Inca ruler resembled the Hawaiian king in that both:
Anthropologists from the university are studying the differences and similarities of the Bicol language. What subfield is mainly concerned in this scenario?
The process of Learning your own culture.
It is the broad study of humankind around the world and throughout time. It is also concerned with both the biological and the cultural aspects of humans.
In general,speciation occurs when:
_Selection that adaptsa species to changed environmental circumstances is:
_Selection that maintains the adaptiverelationship between a species and its environment is:
What is the difference between culture, subcuture and counter culture?
The perspective that beliefs and practices of any society can only be judged by the values and standards prevalent in that society.
It is the in-depth study of everyday life and practice of individuals or social groups.
Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. GYOLOICOSIt is the scientific study of social behavior, social institutions, and social relations.
The core of Mendel'sideas about inheritance are that?
What interdisciplinary study explores how language shapes communication and influences social life?
It is an approach in Political Science wherein the focus is on the individual and how the political system influences an individual's political behavior.
The study of people, past and present. It focuses on understanding the human condition in its cultural aspect.
The massive increase of power and reach by institutions, especially in government.
Of all species thathave ever existed:
Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. ERUTLUCConsists of beliefs, behaviors, objects, and othercharacteristics common to the members of a particular group or society.
Name the fields of anthropology
Guess what is this jumbled word. A short description is given below to help you in identifying the word. CALITILOP ECNEICSThis is the scientific study of the structure and behavior of the state and political institutions and dynamics through scientific analysis.
The term "anthropology" came from which two Greek words?
Programmes of planned change often do not have the desired effect because of:
The availability of protein is an important ecological factor limiting the size of villages in Amazonia, but the significance of protein is mediated by cultural factors such as
In African cattle societies with an ideology of patrilineal descent
In which field does the following research question belong?"What are the similarities and differences in methods of Malaysia, Cambodia, and Philippines in aiding their health related sectors?"
Her specialty was living with and understanding the language and behavior of chimps:
[The two sides of self]It is the product of what the person has learned while interacting with others and with the environment.
The tendency for a person to evaluate other cultures based on a notion of the superiority of one's own culture is called _____.
A sociologist conducts research into the ways that Filipino Muslim workers are historically underprivileged in the Philippine labor system. What theoretical perspective is the sociologist using?
[The two sides of self]is the part of the self that is unsocialized and spontaneous. It is the individual’s response to the community’s attitude toward the person.
Berlin and Kay found that
In 1990, Ewing stated that self is ___, as people construct a series of self-representations that are based on selected cultural concepts of person and selected “chains” of personal memories.
[Mead's Stages of Self-Development]Also known as role playing, enables the person to internalize some other people’s perspectives.
The multi-dimensional set of aboriginal beliefs about the cosmos is called
Homozygous means?
In Mendelian genetics, a dominant allele is?
Mutations are:
In contrast to earlier political-scale cultures and ancient civilizations, the emergingcommercial-scale culture was uniquely characterized by:
Amazonian subsistence production systems:
Darwin delayed forsome time before publishing his idea. Which was NOT a reason for his delay?
Fission produces populations that:
The ideological domination by one cultural group over another through institutions,bureaucracy, education, and sometimes force, is termed:
The team from the National Museum conducted an excavation in Butuan and discovered a balangay (ancient Filipino boat), which contained jewelry, utensils and furniture. They aimed to understand when, what and who used the balangay and its contents. What subfield is mainly concerned in this scenario?
The Hutterite practice of "branchingout" is an example of:
Physical anthropology studies where humans as a species came from, how our bodies evolved to their present form, and what makes humans unique.
A systematic study of the remains of previous cultures as a means of RECONSTRUCTING the lifeways of people who lived in the past.
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