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A comprehensive course that explores the interplay between culture, social dynamics, and political systems to deepen our understanding of the world we live in.
The actions and behavior of organizations can affect an individual or even affect each other.
Freud theorized that the development of the id, ego, and superego occurs over time and that the three must be in balance.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about family?
__ refers to any organization that is involved in the political process.
__ _______ states that individuals learn deviant behavior from those who are close to them who provide them models of and opportunities for deviance.
The sociologist whose theoretical paradigm views society as struggle between groups over limited resources is _____________.
What is the name of the native German who came up with the idea that industrialization resulted in the rise of two classes: the owners and the laborers?
Accodring to Marx, religion is essential to social cohesion and solidarity.
What are values?
__ Abandons both the cultural goals and the prescribed means to achieve them.
Slavery system is an extreme form of social inequality wherein individuals can be owned by others as their property.
__ It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural group, or territorial area.
Analysis of data from a specific study is the concern of ______________________.
__ An organization similar with Joint Stock Company, except that its profits are distributed according to the value of the purchases.s
__ A family that is composed of spouses and their children from a previous marriage.
Refers to judging other cultures against the standards of one’s culture
Which of these is an example of a secondary group?
__ A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be empowered and included in the political process.
Who wrote "Society in America", a book that examines religion, politics, child rearing and immigration?
Child rearing is a basic function of the Filipino family.
__ Agent of socialization that encourages to think and behave appropriately to the situations or occassions of the society.
__ States that self emerges from social interactions.
Socialization is also a form of a social control
The sociologist who focused on class struggles.
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate a profit.
The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of temporary or permanent residence.
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of poor countries by the wealthy ones.
The first Filipino who has acquired a doctorate degree in Sociology
It is the violation of the norms of society
It is a way society has of encouraging conformity to norms. It consists of positive and negative sanctions.
__ This is a struggle between segments of society over valued resources.
__ Gives up cultural goals but follows the prescribed norms.
__ Also known as kinship by marriage
Humans cannot be a part of more than one social organization.
__ Are punishments for violating norms.
The family is a significangt social organization, in a way that they provide their members with valuable resources, both economic and non-economic, which are essential for their development.
__ According to Weber, it is compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory.
The tendency to view other cultures by the standards of one's own culture.
__ Crime which committed by people occupying high position.
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so different that a compromise between them is im possible.
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
They are virtual means of socialization
He believed that society has an “objective reality”.
This refers to the visible part of the culture.
This refers to an unplanned group
It is a group of people with shared territory, interaction and culture
__ The system of acknowledged social parentage, which limits the claim of kinship ties with another.
__ A political organization governed by a governing body led by a chief.
__ The change that occurs as a society acquires a new technology
He developed the idea and coined the term “Sociology”
Which of the following is a Greek term for "study"?
A collection of people who happen to be at the same place and at the same time but have no other connection to one another.
Political organizations are essential in managing public affairs, maintaining social order, and resolving conflict.
The chiefdom is an egalitarian political organization.
__ It involves judging other cultures against the standards of your own culture.
Learning as those which offer students a measure of flexibility and autonomy, to study the programmes of their choice when and where they wish, and at a pace to suit their circumatances.
This law states that women are more empowered in their household and become more economically productive.
It is the learning from the experiences that we have from the people who raised us.
Max Weber believes that religion is essential for economic development, as observed among predominantly Protestant Christian societies.
__ People who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits.
Anthropology and Sociology are different sciences that deal with human beings and their characteristics.
__ An offense committed by ordinary people against other people or organizations, usually in public places.
Piaget posited four stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoccupational, concrete operational and formal operational
What do you call a culture within the dominant culture?
What component of culture makes human life easier (e.g. mass production of goods)?
Descent does not limit the recognition of kinship.
Social organization refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within our society today.
It refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within in our society today.
Family is an example of a primary group
__ It is intangible but influences our behavior like our language, beliefs, values, rules of behavior, family patterns and political system.
According to August Comte, the dominance of religion is not a part of the theological phase of the development of society.
__ It is a theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The social purpose of education is to socialize children into their various roles and values in society.
Who proposed the Philosophical position of positivism?
The kind of society that display a high level of interdependence among its members.
A family that consists of a mother, father, and children living under one roof.
Caste system is an example of a closed system.
__ Refers to your childhood, or how you were brought up.
The sociological imagination:
It is a violation of a written law.
Social Science attempts to comprehend, explain and predict events in our natural environment.
The first school in the Philippines which offered a bachelor's degree in sociology
Who is the English sociologist who proposed that there is parallelism between how society evolves in the same manner as animal species do?
__ An agent of socialization that influences beliefs about sexuality, including the likelihood of tolerance for gay and lesbian sexuality.
The learning of new norms and values, occurs later in life, when life circumstances change or when people join a new group
It is education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
__ Members of these societies tend crops with an animal harnessed to a plow.
Kind of crime that is illegal because it is committed by the youth.
__ Crime committed by the person towards himself. Examples are prostitution, gambling, and drug abuse.
These are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing more flexibility in social roles, inc reased social mobility, and better interaction among social groups and classes.
__ Refers to a transaction in which an order is placed by an insider, after filing all appropriate documentation, to buy or sell restricted securities openly on an exchange.
It is the process whereby we learn to become competent members of a group.
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to corporations.
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.
Cooperatives and Trade unions are directly involved with economic systems of production and distribution in the society.
__ The process by which children and adults learn from others skills, knowledge, norms and values of their society.
Merton's Theory said that when people are prevented from achieving culturally approved goals through institutionalized means, they experience strain that can lead to deviance.
It is defined by Burgess and Lock as a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single household interacting with each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and father, brother and sister creating a common culture.
Chiefdom has a governing body headed by a chief.
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by economics.
Main characteristic of a group
The religious doctrine held by the Calvinists brought about specific economic behavior that created early merchant capitalism.
Deviance is a relative issue and may differ based on location, age, social status, and individual societies.
The sociologist Max Weber believes that religion is something that the upper class of the society use in order to a hold on the working and lower classes.
It is a "scientific study of human society, its origin, structure, function and direction."
__ Socialization happes in different stages of mind development--from infancy to adolescence or adulthood.
He developed the notion of looking-glass self.
Polygamy is marrying only one woman.
__ It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within a specific soc iety or culture.
According to Robert Merton, the obvious function we openly intend a social system to perform are ________________.
__ This offense includes underaged drinking.
They are people who have something in common and who believe that what they have in common is significant.
We are in a special interest group if we stay together to meet our interests as its members.
Kinship is a universal human phenomenon that takes various cultural forms.
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and merit.
Tribes are egalitarian by nature.
When did the Filipino pioneers in Sociology organized the Philippine Sociological Society?
__ A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions.
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and adapt to external or internal forces.
Sociology focuses on the big picture of human culture.
__ Abandonds both the cultural goals and prescribed means to achieve them, but tries to set up new norms or goals.
__ _______ states that bhaviors are tagged or labelled as proper or improper, moral or immoral, good or bad.
The theory that states that labeling on behavior by society is a deviance and causes deviant behavior.
Which is not included in Max Weber’s Rational Social Organization?
Class system promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher spiritual power rather than promoton of individual freedom.
__ states that the rules of society are stacked in favor of a privileged few who manipulate them to stay on top.
The defining element of a society is ___________________.
In order to fit into their new society, however, members must give up some of their original traditions. This process is called ______________.
In tribes, elders are often assigned to manage clan affairs and hold political offices.
__ It is the oldest form of business organization. Examples are small-scale businesses.
__ The smallest type of political organization, it is usually a small group connected by family ties and is politically independent.
In working with clients from other cultural backgrounds, the IT specialist may find that the client is not fluent in English. The IT specialist recognizes this as an appropriate strategy for communicating with clients who are not fluent in English.
__ The experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness.
Politics is manifested as a social institution in _________________.
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
Compadrazgo is an example of kinship by marriage.
The data analyzed by sociologists are used by government officials and market researchers.
__ States that the unconscious mind shapes the behavior of a person.
Estate system is associated with Feudalism.
__ It refers to the respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.
In German, it means "intimate communities"
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the moral development _______
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social classes in a society.
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows students to proceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
It is a foundation of family life.
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which inequalities brought about by social stratific ation lead to conflict among social classes.
An individual feels at home within this social unit.
It is the study of society and human behavior.
A man marrying more than one woman is called polyandry
__ It refers to any organization that is involved in the political process.
It is a science that says that social matters: our lives are affected not only by our individual characteristics but by our place in the social world.
In politics, a state is an organized political commuity that is living under a single system of government which governs a large population.
In sociology, the term ____________________ means layers in society
Bands usually have a formal leadership.
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an explanation of a phenomena.
The belief that all social groups are systems whose parts are interdependent is a characteristic of:
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by indigenous people in developing nations.
By learning about their cultural heritages, children gain a sense of belonging to something larger than themselves.
Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to another.
__ ________ started the domestication and breeding of animals for food.
The law also known as "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002."
From the symbolic interaction perspective, which of the following is a symbol?
Who developed a theory which posited that "self" is a product of social experience?
__ Crime committed by a company or corporation or people acting on its behalf. An example of this is violation of environmental laws.
The agent of socialization that orients us with the necessary experiences so that we develop our self-sense.
__ The regulation and enforcement of norms to maintain social order.
__ A descent system that consists of both male and female lines.
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in society leading to social change.
__ Tells individuals that they learn to take the role of others. The expectation of others forms the venue for acquiring social roles.
__ A culture should be sociologically evaluated according to its standards, and not those of any other culture.
__ A family that consists of parents and children.
It is the change that occurs as a society acquires new technology.
It is a crime borne from the offense committed by ordinary people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces.
Open mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to different social groups.
Which of the following is true about Serfin M. Macaraig?
Single-parenthood is considered an alternative family.
Revolution, according to Theda Skocpol, is a rapid and basic transformation of the State, as well as the class structures, that are accompanies and in part carried through by class-based revolts from below.
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral countries in the g lobal economy.
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers.
When the newlywed couple chooses to live on their own, the pattern is called _____________.
Gender refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity or femininity.
__ A type of polygamous marriage in which a wife can have many husbands.
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the society.
The marriage between members of the same category, class or group
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