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Explores the ethical and moral responsibilities of professionals in various fields and emphasizes the importance of values such as integrity and respect.
He also insisted that we are guided to find the truth when we argue because we can start to "remember" the abstract entities from a time before we were born.
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Assure that all economic development activities are conducted with fare share equality for all segments of the community without regard to race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, disability, age, marital status, or socioeconomic status.
It is not an argument for allowing any idea to go unchallenged , rather, given that critical analysis could be said to be the hallmark of science, the pluralist ethic sets the broad ground rules for criticism
Business ethics can offer another view by transferring reality completely into economic terms.
It is arguable that a closer contact between ethics and economics can be beneficial not only to economics but even to ethics
Its principle state that "As experience proves, the existences of the highest possible standard of behavior still do not mean that humans will act and behave in accordance with their conscience."
God's plan is the best plan we can hope for, so we have the pleasure to endorse all events.
Its principle state that meansmaxims and particular commandments are considered for each individual case, in cases where conscience contradicts ethical maxims or particular ethical commandments contradict other rules
In particular, the divine plan is the best plan anyone can come up with, so we have nothing better to do
A company's virtues are the core of its culture. While a vision articulates a company's purpose, values offer a set of guidelines on the behaviors and mindsets needed to achieve that vision.
The Stoic philosophers argued that virtue (promoting the divine plan) was the only thing of worthwhile importance, so unlike Freud and Bandura conclusions, no value could ever encourage us to stop promoting virtue.
Shapes relationships within any given community and at the same time presents its form to the outside world
Aristotle said that rules are important in ethics. Society cannot be shaped without them.
One of its classification is Spare time: This is mentioned more and more in connection with psychological hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, sports, increased cultural awareness (fine arts), etc
Global consumers surveyed state vendors are willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good
People decide what is good or bad, justified or illegitimate, worth doing or avoiding, based on possible foundation for their cherished values.
The subject of ethics was already present in the first records of human civilization.
It was Plato who described the rules for creative and artistic work that were later applied throughout the Middle Ages.
Stoicism attempt to argue that the best theory of the world is that it has a divine plan created by "God Almighty," a pantheistic god, which gave us our instincts.
Each state has its own consumer protection laws that give buyers and sellers certain rights.
Values transcend specific actions and situations.
Economists present individuals as having not simply values
Phenomenology regards values as real and present in things in everyday usage.
When an employer hires a new employee, he is not just bringing a new member of the workforce aboard, he is also starting a new relationship.
Aristotle described that mutual symbiosis by saying that every citizen of the Athenian Polis had adopted an exact specified set of duties defined by the profession.
The English word ECONOMY originally came from the Greek word OIKODOMEO
Some security values do not serve primarily individual interest, others wider group interests.
In any view of God not involving a divine plan or the usefulness of instincts will provide less reason to believe that God somehow helps us justify moral judgments.
Ethical questions relate to all aspects of human life and there has always been a contradiction between ethics and everyday life that is strongly underlined by the etymology
Aristotle argued that ethical knowledge is possible by speculating about abstract entities.
Choosing after consideration of cons is committed even after thoughtful consideration of the consequences of alternative.
Choosing freely means you choose it and act upon it even when you are being observed.
Today business has a responsibility towards its stakeholders and society at large are more aware of the negative impacts of business as usual.
Personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards is the defining goal of hedonism.
It may restrict individual freedom more severely
Achievement defining goal is personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards.
It is based on Philosophical imperatives adopted by reason and conscience
Self- direction defining goal is excitement, novelty, and challenge in life. Stimulation values derive from the organismic need for variety and stimulation in order to maintain an optimal, positive, rather than threatening, level of activation.
In the Twentieth Century economists have for the most part continued to distinguish economics from other social inquiries by the content of the motives or preferences with which it is concerned
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Not exploit the misfortune of federally declared progressive regions. This includes actively recruiting businesses from an affected community.
Is a family of moral and political philosophies according to which general utility or social welfare is ultimately the sole ethical value or good to be maximized
Aquinas calls beatitudo or felicitas - roughly, communion with God - and it can only be achieved in the afterlife.
He admitted that as human beings who have experienced pleasure and pain, we have no choice but to agree to pleasure and pain as our "ultimate ends."
Prosperity does not only have a material form, but can also be political and spiritual
Near-universal in their demands for companies to act responsibly, nine-in-10 consumers expect companies to do more than make a profit, but also operate responsibly to address social and environmental issues.
In the case of the second point-moral statistics- values cannot be accepted as __ just because the majority regards them as good
Plato partially justified ethics through psychology
Benevolence values emphasize self-restraint in everyday interaction, usually with close others.
When strictly following the logic of empiristic ethics,__could even be legal
Ethics teaches good ways of living and punishes evil, or Ethics strives for an ideal society.
Poses question: how should everlasting stable ethical truths be captured in a world that is unstable
Economists model the interaction of significant causal mechanisms to map the likely long-term extended consequences of changes in agent behavior or government regulation in a complex but closed system
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Abide by the opinion established in this code and comply with the rules of professional conduct as promulgated by IEDC.
Ethics is also about examining morality, in the way that Immanuel Kant proposed.
This approach to understanding ethics has a flaw in terms of a majority error
It shape a human's life in the form of norms
Natural science only takes into consideration facts that are empirically proven
Since people are responsible not only to themselves, then, one of their ethical responsibilities is legal responsibility that is civic responsibility for public administration, either as a representative or a voter
Encouraging economists to pursue truth and to communicate that truth, as an adjunct to the general professional ethic discussed above, presumes some shared view as to what the truth is and how we might pursue it
This principle is based on a presumption of asymmetric information - that the seeker of advice is not equipped to understand that the economist may be serving her own interests
Every culture had different ethical beliefs, so why should we believe any of them? They concluded that we shouldn't believe any culture and that we have no choice but to find morality to be nothing more than a human invention, base in our discussion in what of the history of meta-ethics you can find this statement
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Hold themselves free of any interest, influence, or relationship in respect to any professional activity when dealing with clients which could impair professional judgement or objectivity or which in the reasonable view of the observer, has that effect.
Economic concerns is how to understand, manage and fulfil the heterogeneous and often conflicting values, interests, and capacities of large numbers of individuals operating within the constraints of limited resources in a particular community
Stoicism justifies ethical truths partially through metaphysics
With the invention of philosophy, Western civilization nevertheless arrives not only at strengths of the ethos but also at moral weakness.
Letcher, its founder, saw that human behavior in love for others is one of its criterion
In Empiristic Ethics point of view this can never be determined by the majority. In other words the moral should not be dictated by the ethical
The goal of society is to strive for moral and ethical life from the perspective of different historical eras and geographical places. In business ethics, this should depict the moral and ethical activities of companies (employers and employee) and their customers.
Aristotle said, when we decide what we ought to do, we would like to base our decisions on sound reasons, although, as in many other areas of human endeavor, we often decide without thinking
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Openly share information with the governing body according to government policy established by that body. Such protocols shall be disclosed to clients and the public.
This principle state that economic modelling allows us to test the robustness of particular ethical principles as principles of action and thereby to clarify our practical moral reasoning
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Maintain in confidence the affairs of any client, colleague or organization and shall not disclose confidential information obtained in the course of professional activities.
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Cooperate with peers to the betterment of economic development technique, ability, and practice, and to strive to perfect themselves in their professional abilities through training and educational opportunities.
He argued that ethical knowledge is possible by speculating about abstract entities (also called Forms or Ideas)
Adam Smith is the author of the Book IV An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
According to Aristotle too much and too little are always right; the right kind of action always lies in the mean.
A situation in which individuals accept the consequences of their actions and try to mitigate any positive outcomes of their decisions nurtures trust
Post-Kantianism perceives values as being part of a strange world that exists beyond the real world.
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Carry out their responsibilities in a manner to bring respect to the profession, the economic developer and the economic developer's constituencies.
It only explores thinking (motives) and actions (motives put into action) in relation to conscience (morality) and traditions, rules and laws that represent the ethos of any given society.
Security symbolize the group's solidarity, express its unique worth, and contribute to its survival
He has been described as a Conventionalist
The error of moral statistics is in the fact that the most frequent occurrence is regarded as good, which is not necessarily true
According to Harvard Business Review vision is a simple turns of phrase guide a company's values and provide it with purpose.
The danger of casuistic ethics is in the tendency to programme the moral and ethical in advance, thus removing the human being of their __ for their action
Tomas Sedlaced composed ethics as follows: Does virtue pay?
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Be mindful that they are representatives of the community and shall represent the whole nation.
Stoics do not have to fully describe moral reality
Self-goal choice: Each act of choice of a person is guided immediately by the pursuit of one's own goal
People may then realize that failure to accept others who are different and treat them justly will lead to life-threatening strife is the defining goal of universalism
We have a choice to live in accordance to our personal plan or resist it.
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Keep the community, elected officials, boards and other stakeholders informed about the progress and efforts of the area's marketing strategy.
Self-centered welfare: A person's welfare depends only on his or her own consumption (and in particular it does not involve any sympathy or antipathy towards others)
If human lives were made predictable, moral and ethical autonomy would have to be set aside, as well as freedom and legal competence this a statement poses by what Normative Ethic Schools
If finding ultimate meaning is a basic human need, then spirituality might be a distinct value found in all societies.
Western philosophy starting with Socrates was part of a revolt against moral antirealism.
We often justify a claim that a particular action is right or wrong by reference to some ethical rule or standard which applies to the action.
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Refrain from heterogeneous relationship. Heterogeneous relationship is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.
Work ethics or economical ethics are rather ethical disciplines applied to specific activity areas.
Our instincts involve promoting human welfare, so that is what Divine Reason must have wanted us to do.
Social involves one's relationship to society
An ethical principle for a code of ethics for economists that encourages caution
If you believe in God, then Stoicism offers particularly relevant and sophisticated arguments involving our emotions, actions, and the justification for moral statements.
Several studies suggest that values are the same across culture.
James W. Cornman posed this argument in justifying ethics: How can we justify our moral judgments?
According to Harvard Business Review "The Importance of Values and Culture in Ethical Decision Making" says that "The foundation of ethical decision-making involves choice and balance"?
The need to provide food for people cause the erosion and destruction of soil, an ecological problem that leads to other environmental issues is a situation that describe this Normative Ethics School
According to International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Professional Economic Developers Shall: Practice with integrity. honesty, and adherence to the trust placed in them both in fact and in appearance.
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