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Learn about the fundamental principles and theories behind effective management systems and how to apply them in real-world settings.
Problem solving, team building, talent development, and performance management belong to
____time is the time between placing an order for materials or services and receiving them.
True or False: The scalar principle refers to the downward transfer of authority from a manager to a subordinate.
It is redesigning the structure of the organization due to the influence of external factors.
A limited partnership consists of limited partners and at least one __partner.
Production department should have a close collaboration with __department on matters relative to availability of funds for purchase of new equipment.
Stock corporations are corporations whose __ is divided into units of ownership.
It is composed of forces or institutions around an organization that affect its performance, operations and resources.
Choose the letter that represents your best answer. Payment for employees performance or services based on the quantity produced or completed
True or False: A model of negotiation where there is no outcome in the discussion and no party benefited out of it is called lose-lose model.
An organizational structure defines the lines of authority and communication within the organization.
There is a ____span of control when a manager has a large number of people under him.
True or False: The controlling function precedes planning and planning supersedes directing.
The principle emphasizing that an employee should not be moved frequently from one job to another.
True or False: “Fitting square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes” pertains to the principles of recruitment in the staffing function.
It is the principle of management referring to the number of employees or workers reporting to one manager.
The marketing mix consists of quantity, price, promotion, and place.
Following are examples of internal environment of an organization except
In the RADPAC model of communication, R stands for__Question 18
This is a kind of plan that is described by management as “ keeping all options open” approach.
True or False: Certainty affects managerial decisions when the managers have insufficient information.
Management as an art has the following characteristics except:
The motto of on-the-job training is learning by __.
It pertains to the line that separates the various managerial positions in an organization.
It is a kind of organization consisting of a group of people using their skills and other resources to earn profit.
The team structure of organizational depends on the services of other organizations to perform critical functions on a contract basis.
Management develops relationship among the people in the organization.This describe management as aNo
It is the stage in the three-stage approach of Lewin that is regarded as the stage of transition and involves the acceptance of new ways of doing things.
True or False: The piece rate method of remuneration in which the employees are compensated on a fixed pre-decided amount-hourly, weekly, monthly, irrespective of their output.
It is the organizational structure that separates functions into a group based on one overall objective and composed of members from different departments working together to solve problems and explore opportunities.
It is a dimension of organizational change that relates to the level or extent that organizational members get involved in planning and implementing changes.
True or False: Strategic plans will bring the organization to where it is now to where it wants to be in the following year.
It pertains to the sustained increase in the general price level of prices of nearly all commodities.
True or False: Non-commercial organizations are sometimes involved in commerce and earning profit also.
Organizations hiring employees according to their specialization, educational qualification and interest are practicing
It is consists of the 4Ps under the marketing function.
Downward communication takes place when information flows from managers to __.
In the organization life cycle, it is referred to as the beginning of the organization.
The quantity, quality, and price of goods and services to be used by the organization are concerns of the research and development function.
True or False: Management is very important in an organization because it helps in optimizing the use of all resources and helps in achieving the corporate goal.
Recruiting is motivating people to apply for the job and creating a pool of applicants while __is choosing the best applicant for the job.
The people who do the basic task of converting the inputs into outputs orrendering services to customers belong to
A core-manufacturing technology that produce a large number of uniform goods in an assembly-line system.
True or False: The changing values formation and educational level upgrades of new generation employees make them more difficult to motivate.
True or False: Research and Development function is concerned with the production of new goods and services and closely collaborating with Marketing for its distribution.
Choose the letter that does not belong to the group. ON-going plans
The building bricks group of elements of TQM includes the following except
In this stage of change by Lewin, the people accept or internalize the new ways of doing their job or change.
The kind of applied organizational culture where no employees dare to break the existing rules and regulations.
It is the management style where the employees make their own decisions and manages their own work.
True or False: Human Resource Management is present in all functional areas in an organization.
In an autocratic style of management,
Organizational __is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs which govern how people behave in organization.
True or False: Procurement, development, and compensation of personnel are part of the managerial functions of HRM.
The following are examples of specific environment of an organization except
It is the management principle that refers to the concentration of authority and decision-making resting in the hands of few people at the top level of management.
True or False: All other factors of production or resources are of no importance without people.
True or False: Job rotation and temporary promotion are examples of off-the-job training.
Non-commercial organizations are also known as
It pertains to the line that separates the different managerial positions in an organization.
True or False: Behavior is the topic or agenda on which individuals negotiate.
True or False: Directing is the heart of the management process and the central point of accomplishing the goals of an organization.
It is a structure where the managers contract out specific job to specialists.
Concentration of authority at the top level of management pertains to
True or False: Development of personnel involves the employment of different training techniques for employees to perform better.
True or False: Rehiring former employees in an example of external recruitment.
The first function of management according to Fayol is
__refers to the right of superiors to get exactness from their subordinates.
It consists of the top management people who is the source of authority and manages the goals and policies for the enterprise.
True or False: Unity of command means that an employee can have one or more superior to whom he is directly responsible.
A functional structure of organization is one in which the departments are divided according to the organizational outputs.
Commercial organizations are organized mainly for __.
In developing potential alternatives, a group gathered together to generate ideas and different solutions, this is called__.
According to Fayol, anything that increases the role of subordinate is ____ and anything that decreases it is centralization.
It is the kind of negotiation in the corporate world that takes place between the individual and the law.
Unity of Direction means
It consists of the following factors taken up collectively: quantity, quality, price and delivery.
It is the factor that decides the superiority or inferiority of a product or service.
Matrix structure combines functional specialization and the focus of __ structure.
They are called the corporators of a non-stock corporation.
The 4Ps of marketing consist of product, price, __, and place.
True or False: Technological advances , in general, contributes to unemployment.
True or False: Economy, technology, socio-culture, and politics are some of the specific internal factors that affect an organization.
It is an internal environment of an organization that describes what stands for and why it exists.
It is an example of an on-going plan that is described as a broad guideline to be followed by managers in aspects of decision-making.
Managers who become such because of their being the owners or because of his relationship to the owner.
__means obligation for the performance of the assigned job.
In a dynamic environment, the customers’ desires or needs are well understood and will remain stable over a relatively long period of time.
Which of the following advantages do not pertain to corporation?
The value of a country’s currency in terms of another country’s currency is called __rate.
Anything that increases the role of a subordinate is
True or False: Inadequate change process, insufficient resources, and poor timing are some of the pitfalls that can cause crash changes.
It is the unit of ownership in a stock corporation.
It is an specific environment component referred to as concerned citizens, sharing the same point of view on a given issue, gathered together trying to influence business practices.
Following are setbacks of organizational culture except
Informational roles make the manages act as a __center of an organization.
Which of the following is not a feature of an organization?
In organizing, the degree to which the tasks at the organization are divided into separate jobs is called __and sometimes called division of labor.
The managers decisional roles include the following except
True or False: Planning precedes controlling and controlling succeeds planning.
Choose the letter that does not belong to the group. Internal Recruitment
It involves selecting the course of action from among two or more alternatives in order to arrive at a solution for a given problem.
Choose the letter that does not belong to the group. Organization’s Internal environment
It is the quality management too which helps to analyze the relationship between two variables.
It is a condition that influences managerial decisions that exists when the chance of success is less than 100% and loss might occur.
Choose the letter that does not belong to the group. Scope of HRM
A competitive marketing strategy of developing a superior product over competitors is __-strategy.
Sharing authority downwards is
Which of the following is not a component of corporation?
Choose the letter that represents your best answers.
It is the technique of discussing issues and reaching to a conclusion benefitting all involved in the activity.
It is the direction of communication where there is a flow of information from employees to managers.
In a __environment, the customers’ desires are well understood and remain consistent for a long period of time.
Collaboration of the different functions within the organization is essential in the realization of its goals.
True or False: Recruitment and staffing are the same thing when it comes to HRM.
It is the kind of partnership consisting of general and limited partners.
True or False: Monetary compensation is the number one factor that motivates employees in an organization.
True or False: Rational manager’s personal decision-making model uses a step-by- step process and focuses on facts and reasoning.
It is the training method given to employees within the everyday working in an organization.
The type of culture where the employees’ main concern is the customer.
It is the kind of control that identify and prevent any deviation from the standards before they occur.
Choose the letter that represents your best answer. Introduction and familiarization of a newly hired employee
Following are some quality management tools except
True or False: Human Resource Management is the aspect of management that deals with the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of personnel functions in an organization.
It is the managers’ ability to understand and use the techniques, knowledge, and tools and equipment on a specific discipline.
A __communication is a type of organizational communication among employees just to know what is happening around not considering their level in the organization.
Partnership is a voluntary association of two or more persons who contribute money, property, or __to the common fund.
Corporators of a non-stock corporation is called
Choose the letter that represents your best answer. Filled up by the employee after the preliminary interview
It is one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management which means combination of fairness, kindness and justice.
Work specialization means
First line managers belong to
The kind of change that evolves slowly and often compared to zigzagging up the slope of a mountain is
True or False: Coalition model of organizational decision process is one in which the solutions result from a string of smaller decisions.
It stands for what the organization stands for and why it exists.
A matrix structure of organization is vulnerable to power struggles of two or more supervisors who are vying for authority.
Fayol’s principle of management that is concerned with the proper and systematic arrangement of things and people is__.
Choose the one that does not belong to the group.
Employees who are not sure about their career and permanency belong to an organization applying
It pertains to a set of activities and practices, the purpose of which is to manage an organizations human resources at a global level.
International Human Resource Management staffing policy where the best and most competent individuals, irrespective of their nationalities occupy the key positions is __policy.
The type of control used in reviewing data or information at certain periods to determine when the actual performance meets the standards is __control.
It pertains to the element or the topic or agenda on which individuals negotiate.
True or False: Establishing the organizational objectives is the heart of the planning process.
Applying this kind of culture, the organization hires employees according to their specialization, educational qualification and interest.
It is the type of managerial communication that is taking place at all levels in the organization.
It is the component of an organization that is composed of managers whose concern is converting the objectives and plans of the strategic apex into operational plans.
Subordinates should not receive instructions from more than one person as it might create confusion is one of the characteristics of
True or False: The managerial functions of HRM includes the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the whole organization.
Network structure relies on other organizations to perform critical functions on a __basis.
It is the management style where the manager takes sole responsibility of decision making.
To generate profit is the ultimate goal of this types of organization except
True or False: Feedforward controls identify and prevent deviations from standards before they occur.
It means a combination of fairness, kindness, and justice.
It is the organizational structure that groups people into work units based on similar activities, skills, expertise and resources.
It is the process of fitting the selected person at the right job or place.
Unifying and harmonizing activities and efforts, according to Fayol, is the
Pitfalls of crashing change include the following except
__is the opposite of the balance sheet approach of compensating expatriates.
It is identifying and addressing the customer trends and problems after they happen.
The type of management skills that requires the ability of the manager to use a particular proficiency or expertise to perform a particular task.
Choose the letter that does not belong to the group. Elements of directing
True or False: The concept of total quality management originated from the manufacturing industry.
Services or industry cannot be a contribution to the common fund of the partnership.
Having the right product that will maximize customer satisfaction is part of the purchasing mix.
Process and procedures in an organization are most important in a ____culture.
It is the model of organizational decision process that happen when people are not sure or they disagree about goals while the decision makers go out and in of the process.
It refers to people who work in another country and at the same time living there.
It is one of the staffing policies in international human resource management where the managers of subsidiaries are recruited from the host country nationals.
Choose the letter that represents your best answer. IHRM staffing policies except:
One of the attributes of management by __style is that the managers do not keep themselves away from the employees.
In intuitive decision- making model , the managers are considered __decision makers.
True or False: Line authority is the right of a manager to direct the work of his or her employees and making decisions without consulting them.
Managers who are hired because of their specialized knowledge and degrees are called __-managers.
Channel is the __component used by the sender to convey the message.
Production function is a function of the inputs.
Aside from corporation, this organization is subject to corporate tax.
It is the process of putting the right men on the right job.
True or False: Human Resource Planning consists of putting the right number and kind of people at the right place and time, doing the right things towards the achievement of the goals of the organization.
The following do not issue stocks except
True or False: D in RADPAC model of negotiation stands for Decisions.
Also called the Fishbone Chart, this quality management tool records causes of a particular and specific problem.
Which of the following is the feature of the Laissez faire style of management?
It refers to the expatriate’s untimely return to his country before the expiration of his assignment.
Strategic planning begins with the conception of the organization’s ____.
Organizational climate pertains to
True or False: Gang flank is the short cut of scalar chain.
True or False: In inter-personal activities of a manager, he should interact and must have a good relationship with his subordinates, co-managers, superiors.
It is the art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups.
It is the function of management that decides in advance what to do, how to do, and who to do it.
True or False: Body language is also a form of communication in the workplace.
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