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Explores the complexities of self-identity, self-awareness, and personal growth, helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place.
In the acronym S-M-A-R-T in setting goals for success, What does A stands for?
What is Psychology?
He introduced the concept of the body ego
This thinker looked and studied class struggle in society
Being internet savvy increases a person's self-worth
Making their guests feel at home is a Filipino value and trait called ___________.
He doubted the basic idea of the individual character and says that there is no lasting self
This facet of wellness has to do with the ability to connect and relate to other people and being able to empathize or sympathize with others
Being punctual and being honest are some qualities of a successful student.
It is characterized by an in depth fiery feeling or attractedness which can be sexual or romantic attraction
Deals with the operations of the body systems and organs and their interactions
It's also called an individualistic culture since their focus is on the person
The study of patterns in human behavior
It is the information processing theories
The material self can be judged by which of the following?
Net surfing is a good stress reliever because it improves mood and boost immunity
Who works the " system of logic"
The spiritual self provides _______________ and ______________ to our physical self.
For Trentmann, material things were an ___________________ part of the human self.
"Logos" means
A psychologist who initiated the idea of functionalism and focused on direct observations to supplement introspection
Goals should be something you desire and want. Achieving goals should have a sense of purpose. This statement says that goals are________________
The Digital Self can be seen in the form of __________.
The dawn of technology and the use of internet has added to positive values of people all over the world
He argued that mind and body are one and all psychological process are part of physical processes
It is the Philosopher who believe in that one can know only what comes from the senses and experience.
"The Political Self" suggests, the psychological and the economic, the political and the personal, in reality constantly ________and __________.
This social perspective focuses on the negative, clashed and ever-changing nature of society
Filipinos maintain a tight relationship with their families regardless if the children are old enough and already have families of their own.
Which of the following is Not a misconception about sex?
Practices, sexual activities and identity which may or may not be aligned with biological traits or cultural meanings
Philosophy is the study of.
The proponent of "little Albert" study.
Is a field of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of mental illness
Instincts and reflexes involve learning.
He conceived of the human person as having a body and a mind.
The Westerns emphasize ________________________________________________.
What is theory?
Meanings of femininity or masculinity that is associated with culture
Is the study of perception and its influence on thinking and problem solving
This facet of wellness has to do with the ability to have an open mind and welcoming to new learnings or ideas
Functionalism is a theory influenced by _________________________________________.
Eating all food groups (go, glow and glow food) is most important than portion size
_______ is used to prevent conception
These are people whose biological body is aligned with their gender identity
Give 1 type of mindset according to the psychologist Carol Dweck?
Rene Descartes said that our mind and thought are true identity and he called it
Planning is laying out strategies in order to achieve a desired outcome.
A close to perfect analogy of the Spiritual Self and the Spiritual Dimension is how ______________are connected to the ______________.
The sum of all our characteristics and our interactions is our _________________.
It deals with nature and behavior of a population and relations to the groups present social intuitions.
It is focuses on the study of politics or government".
Also emphasize more on the value of equality even if they see that the individual can rise above everything else
For William James, the core of the material self is the _______.
Philosophy is the study of
Deals with the interaction of the people to the environment.
It was derived from a longer Filipino phrase called " Mamaya na" means dawdling things, which could have been done at an earlier time.
Is the Filipino version of the famous line "hakuna matata" meaning no worries. The phrase is said to have originated from "bathala na" where Bathala means God.
Refers to the attitude of eagerly starting things but quickly losing eargerness soon after experiencing difficulty, just like how fast the fire of a Cogon grass burns out moments after being ignited.
It is the more toxic trait of the Filipinos, they ruin each other reputations and pull each other down.
Is a science that studies man's culture.
Recognizing and accepting mistakes is called "Self-Forgiveness"
For William James, the study of one's identity must consider 2 aspects of the self which are the:
The Spiritual Self may be understood through the concept and existence of the _________.
This theory used direct observations to supplement introspection
Sociology comes from the greek words "sociouos" and "logos" which means
Goal that cannot be measured do not indicate progress
The philosopher who infused Christian doctrine with Neoplatonism.
All successful and rich people display "wellness" in all facets of life
The first step to achieving goals is to write them down, to make it a reality.
Goals should be realistic
He considers the body as the source of sensation and the origin and maintenance of personality
Father of Modern Philosophy
Buddhism means ______________________________.
It is better to socialize with other people that having time for oneself
Cyberbullying has been rampant and caused deaths, suicides attempts
Is regarded as the lack of patriotism and the attitude where Filipinos favor foreign products more than their own. This does not only concern goods, but also the desire to look more foreign than local and keep up with foreign beauty trends.
Philosophy means in greek word "philosophia"
Welcome their guests and tourist as if they are their own brothers and sisters; they always make their guests feel at home, offering them something to eat or even a place to stay.
In writing down goals, people should use the words "I would" "I hope" "I might"
Who is the muslim scholar (801-806)?
This refers to the body which is a marvelous and complex container of human experiences
A branch of social science that study the property and composition of substance and related changes of those substances
There is greater self-____________ from the individual in the online world even if it is true in real life or not
This facet of wellness has to do with being able to cope with life's challenges and successes
IT is a code of Ethical Conduct of how should properly act according to their relationship with other people.
Ethnology means
Filipinos have a habit of smiling and laughing a lot. Smiling has been a coping strategy for many Filipinos especially during trying times and calamities.
The individual seems to be offered a __________ slate in the digital world.
These are people who do not identify themselves with a particular gender or sexual assignment
Rene Descartes said that our mind and thought are true identity and he called it.
It is also called Biological anthropology
Human reproduction is possible by
These are people whose biological attributes are not aligned with his/her perception of his/her gender
To be successful, people should not merely rely on "will-power"
Desiring to look more foreign than local and favoring foreign products than Filipino products is a trait called ___________________.
Aside from actually studying students also need to pray.
Give an Example of Common Sexually transmitted infections or diseases
The Spiritual Me or the Spiritual Self is further described by James as the "sanctuary of our life" or the:
What are the Goals of Psychology?
Refers to close ties or feelings of familiarity to a person
The initial process of learning happens in our nervous system.
It is the Philosopher who believe in that one can know only what comes from the senses and experience
It is the study of different patterns in human behavior, thought and feelings.
Which of the following is NOT a sexual response?
He dismisses the Cartesian Dualism
Psychoanalysis means ________________________________________________.
Sociology comes from the words "socious" and "logos" which means
In the acronym S-M-A-R-T in setting goals for success, What does R stands for?
Confucianism can be seen as a code of _______________________________.
This is viewing a person who is Not naturally sexual but seeing it as such
It is utilization of pure sociological theories and methods outside academic settings
Taoism means________________________________________.
Once a plan has been devised it must be carried out.
___________ and _____________ envisages a flow between spirit and objects.
Access to Healthcare is ready available to everyone since there are local health centers and hospitals everywhere
This pertains to the state of a person's body which is free from any injury or illness
Filipinos greet their elders by kissing their hand while saying "Mano po!" and constantly using "po" and "opo" in conversations.
Bayanihan is the spirit of communal unity and cooperation of Filipinos. It is also about giving without expecting something in return.
One of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosopher
A tool to help us manage our time, plans, action list, and notes in our daily job can be a _________.
Filipinos have this common attitude of arriving late at commitments.
Video games has caused a sedentary lifestyle especially amongst youth
It is the study of the past events.
It is phenomenologist who asserts that mind-body bifurcation that has been going on for a long time is a furtile endeavor an invalid problem.
He argued that mind and body are one and all psychological process are part of physical processess
Is a psychologists who developed " operant conditioning theory"
His view of the human person reflects the entire spirit of the medieval world when it comes to man.
Self-sacrificing attitude of Filipinos can be seen as an extension of the Filipino hospitality
Most Filipinos hold on their pride as if they are more precious than keeping a good relationship with family and loved ones. When two parties are not in good terms, they find it so hard to apologize and wait until the other party ask for an apology.
Taoism means______________.
Setting a time frame when to achieve a goal restricts a person and creates frustration
Maintaining a Spiritual Practice is part of Physical Self-care.
Self-care involves a life of wild sex, drugs, and alcohol.
"Philosphia" means
Goals should have a set deadline
Who launched the cognitive revolution in psychology
It also called Biological Anthropology
Deals with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of group life as bases for the regulation of man's social environment.
A branch of social science that study living organisms
Wundt's student and the founder of structuralism
This sociological perspective states that sociologist should look into details and symbols to understand and interpret how people react
A psychologist who proposed the triangular theory of love
Who founded the Psycho analysis theory?
Is the science of society and the social interactions taking place therein
This facet of wellness has to do with the ability to recognize a higher being that satisfies the need of the soul
In the acronym S-M-A-R-T in setting goals for success, What does M stands for?
Ruining each other's reputations and pulling each other down is a Filipino trait called __________.
Confucianism can be seen as a code of ______________.
This pertains to all facets of a person's well-being inside and out
It is focuses on the study of politics or government
It is a pure description of the culture of a people or an ethic group
This refers to biological traits that society associates with being male or female
Every action is aimed to achieve a result
In the acronym S-M-A-R-T in setting goals for success, What does S stands for?
It is important to follow society's description of beauty in order to be "in"
Study of a single social institution
It is focuses on the study of politics or government.
This a factor of wellness that has to do with how we take care of our body
The sum of all our characteristics and our interactions isour _________________.
This psychological Mindset states that people who have the ability to recover from failures faster are most successful
Who are the two philosophers who answer "WHO AM I?".
In the acronym S-M-A-R-T in setting goals for success, What does T stands for?
Self-care is a lifetime habit and culture.
_______ used to prevent conception
An empiricist who believes that one can know only what comes from the senses and experiences
Is the Filipino version of the famous line "hakuna matata"
The main or basic types of learning are:
People who failed in achieving goals are the ones who do not have good planning strategies
This a factor of wellness that has genes inherited that contribute to our susceptibility or immunity to diseases
It is the name of the game and they are more likely straightforward and forceful in their communication as well as decision making.
One guideline for proper sharing of information and ethical use of the internet is _________.
The two philosophers who answer the "WHO AM I?"
Goals should be aligned with the purpose or direction you want to achieve
This is viewing a person as a sexual object for one's own pleasure
Aguste Comte defines sociology as ____.
Deliberate Practice pushes people harder and get out of their comfort zones
He influenced Neo-Platonism
The philosopher who is considered the "Father of Psychoanalysis"
Ethnology means"
According to Frank Trentmann, the old critics of luxury said that the human self was something _________ that existed apart from the material world.
It is a branch of general anthropology concerned with the study of man's culture and society in the past.
It is one type or an ethic group
What is Anthropology?
What Psychologists do?
It is characterized by an intense feeling or closeness to a person
Who founded the modern experimental psychology
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