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Provide treatment to patients, community health nurses offer about maintaining their health so that they can decrease the occurrence of diseases and deaths.
Low-grade afternoon fever; Night sweats; cough with mucopurulent sputum; dyspnea, chest tightness and chest pain with blood streak and Irritability; are signs and symptoms of:
Malaria is caused by:
What are the two major fields in Philippine nursing?
In the investigation of an epidemic, you compare the present frequency of the disease with the usual frequency at this time of the year in this community. This is done during which stage of the investigation?
A group of people sharing common geographic boundaries with common values and interest
Isolation of a child with measles belongs to what level of prevention?
Which of the following is an advantage of a home visit?
The de los Reyes couple have a 6-year old child entering school for the first time. The de los Reyes family has a:
In community health, the broad range of interacting needs that affect the collective health of the “client” as a larger system. It care encompasses the comprehensive and total care of the client in all areas, such as physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and economic
Which is CONTRARY to the principles in planning a home visit?
Involves efforts to detect and treat existing health problems at the earliest possible stage, when disease or impairment is already present. Hypertension and cholesterol screening programs in many communities help to identify high-risk individuals and encourage early treatment to prevent heart attacks or stroke.
Organization and training of community health workers (CHWs), except:
Region IV Hospital is classified as what level of facility?
Type of CHN. 7pts
Attempts to reduce the extent and severity of a health problem to its lowest possible level, so as to minimize disability and restore or preserve function.
They are allowed to attend to home deliveries only if there is no available licensed health personnel
Dengue virus rarely causes death. However, the infection can progress into a more serious condition known as severe dengue .
Reproductive Health Bill
Which is a characteristic of person-to-person propagated epidemics?
The following are the clientele of a Community Health Nurse except:
Assessing the Health Status of the Community
The virus is primarily spread when an uninfected (and unvaccinated) person ingests food or water that is contaminated with the faeces of an infected person. The disease is closely associated with unsafe water or food, inadequate sanitation, poor personal hygiene and oral-anal sex.
It assumes the following roles: A. Policy and Legislative Advocates C. Organizers, Human Rights Advocates B. Research and Documentation D. Relief and Disaster Management
Community Health Nursing is best described as: 1. For the promotion and preservation of health of the population. 2. A response to the health needs of the people. 3. Advocates for the improvement in the conditions that adversely impact on people’s health. 4. Based on nursing theories and important concepts from science of health.
Emphasis on importance of empowerment to promote and sustain healthy environment and healthy lifestyles.
Common Cause of and Water Bone – Diseases A. Unsafe sources of drinking water B. Improper disposal of human waste C. Unhygienic practices like spitting anywhere, blowing or picking the nose D. Unsafe food handling and preparation practices i.e. street vended foods
(House Bill 4110)
When attending to patient who is about to deliver a baby, always remember to follow 3 CLEANs:
Coordination/dialogue/consultation with other community organizations & Self-awareness and Leadership Training (SALT) action planning are under:
Which of the following is an epidemiologic function of the nurse during an epidemic?
They shall comply with the requirements as to the issuance of health certificate which include monitoring the presence of intestinal parasite and bacterial infection
Which is the primary goal of community health nursing?
Miscarriage, abortion, age, financial, resources, emotional readiness
Immunization as to Hepatitis B in all Infants & Children below 8 years old
Which is an example of the school nurse’s health care provider functions?
The specialty practice that provides for and delivers health care services to workers and worker population.
In the Pre-entry Phase of the COPAR Process, which of the following statement is incorrect.
"Public health services are given free of charge.” Is this statement true or false?
Clientele of CHN. 4pts
This is a system of composed of a source a reservoir, piped distribution network and communal faucet. Generally suited for rural areas where houses are clustered
Just like a cistern flush toilet, the pour flush toilet has a water seal that prevents odors and flies from coming back up the pipe. Water is poured into the bowl to flush the toilet of excreta; approximately 2 to 3 L is usually sufficient.
Obviates the occurrence of a health problem; it includes measures taken to keep illness or injuries from occurring. It is applied to a generally healthy population and precedes disease or dysfunction.
Cooks and cook helpers which include monitoring as to presence of intestinal parasites:
Practical approach to the effective provision of health services that are community based, accessible, acceptable, and sustainable at a cost that the community and the government can afford
Programs to promote health of the vulnerable sectors of the population. 4pts
The following are symptoms of Dengue, except: A. Bleeding from your gums or nose B. Blood in your urine, stools or vomit C. Bleeding under the skin, which might look like bruising
Attempts to reduce the extent and severity of a health problem to its lowest possible level, as to minimize disability and restore or preserve function.
Community Health Nursing is one of the two major fields of nursing in the Philippines. The other one is:
The first symptoms – fever, headache, and chills – may be mild and difficult to recognize as malaria. If not treated within 24 hours, P. falciparum malaria can progress to severe illness, often leading to death
This causative agent discovered by Koch in 1882
This attempts to reduce the extent and severity of a health problem to its lowest possible level, so as to minimize disability and restore or preserve function.
Refers to a collection of people who interact with one another and whose common interests or characteristics form the basis for a sense of unity or belonging.
Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?
Which type of family-nurse contact will provide you with the best opportunity to observe family dynamics?
The number of cases of Dengue fever usually increases towards the end of the rainy season. This pattern of occurrence of Dengue fever is best described as
According to C.E.Winslow, which of the following is the goal of Public Health?
It involves efforts to detect and treat existing health problems at the earliest possible stage, when disease or impairment is already present. Hypertension and cholesterol screening programs in many communities help to identify high-risk individuals and encourage early treatment to prevent heart attacks or stroke.
Health teaching, a widely recognized part of nursing practice, is legislated through nurse practice acts in a number of states and is one of the major functions of the community health nurse. The educator role has the potential for finding greater receptivity and providing higher-yield results.
The characteristics of their clientele – their age, development stage and their common health problems and concerns. Other health problems are the result of economic and environmental factors.
A garment factory does not have an occupational nurse. Who shall provide the occupational health needs of the factory workers?
The goal of professional practice that is the promotion and preservation of health Populations:
The primary purpose of conducting an epidemiologic investigation is to
Which level of health facility is the usual point of entry of a client into the health care delivery system?
Related Learning Experience in Level II Nursing students are the following, except:
Basic components of CHN. 2pts
In which step are plans formulated for solving community problems?
COPAR stands for:
This is used to dispose of human excreta, dirty water, and general household waste such as kitchen refuse and sweepings.
The following are concepts of Primary Health Care, except:
Which of the following is a function of epidemiology?
It is the totality of all policies, infrastructures, facilities, equipment, products, human resources, and services that all address the health needs, problems, and concerns of all people.
Intervention schemes and community development projects & Initial identification and implementation of resource mobilization schemes
CHN is a community-based practice. Which best explains this statement?
Tertiary prevention is needed in which stage of the natural history of disease?
Emergency care was provided. In 1244, a group of monks in Florence, Italy, Misericordia provided first-aid care for accident victims on a 24-hour basis
This is a parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworms of the Filarioidea type. These are spread by blood-feeding insects such as black flies and mosquitoes. They belong to the group of diseases called helminthiases.
The PHN bag is an important tool in providing nursing care during a home visit. The most important principle of bag technique states that it
To maintain the cleanliness of the bag and its contents, which of the following must the nurse do?
Provision of regular and quality maternal care service Regular and quality pre-natal care, except:
Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The virus is primarily spread when an uninfected person ingests food or water that is contaminated with the faeces of an infected person.
When the occupational health nurse employs ergonomic principles, she is performing which of her roles?
It is defined as the identification of needs and the protection and improvement of collective health within a geographically defined area.
Emphasis on importance of empowerment to promote and sustain healthy environment and healthy lifestyles. A. Healthy diet and weight control; regular and appropriate exercises and activities; Food safety B. Stress management; control of tobacco and alcohol use
All of the following are characteristics of Community Health Nursing, except: 1. Greater control for both the nurse and the client in decision making related to health care 2. Collaboration between the nurse and the client is heavier for nurses. 3. Recognition of the impact of different factors on health 4. Nurse’s awareness of their client’s lives and situations.
A group of people who shares common characteristics, developmental stage or common exposure to particular environmental factors resulting to health problems.
Every patient or client has the right to receive just, equal, and humane treatment. The role of the nurse includes client advocacy. The health care system is often characterized by fragmented and depersonalized services, and many clients
Basic Compulsory Immunization of All Children below 8 Years Old
These are Training and delineation of functions of the COPAR staff and faculty members, except:
Water that is contaminated with the faeces of an infected person. The disease is closely associated with unsafe water or food, inadequate sanitation, poor personal hygiene and oral-anal sex.
This in community health means that the nurse ensures health services are provided not just to individuals and families, but also to groups and populations. Nursing service is still designed for the special needs of clients.
It has a platform with a hole in it and a lid to cover the hole when it is not in use. The platform can be made of wood, concrete, or logs covered with earth. Concrete platforms keep water out and last many years.
You are a new B.S.N. graduate. You want to become a Public Health Nurse. Where will you apply?
As an epidemiologist, the nurse is responsible for reporting cases of notifiable diseases. What law mandates reporting of cases of notifiable diseases?
Population-focused nursing practice requires which of the following processes?
Improper Sewage are as follow, except:
Who are the clientele in Community Health Nursing (CHN)?
A system with a source, a reservoir, a piped distributor network and household taps. It is generally suited for densely populated urban areas.
Statements for Level IV Student Immersion Program, except:
According to Freeman and Heinrich, community health nursing is a developmental service. Which of the following best illustrates this statement?
Which is true of primary facilities?
The public health nurse is responsible for presenting the municipal health statistics using graphs and tables. To compare the frequency of the leading causes of mortality in the municipality, which graph will you prepare?
Includes all efforts that seek to move people closer to optimal well-being or higher levels of wellness. Nursing, in particular, has a social mandate for engaging in this. Health promotion
The following are the major fields of Nursing in the Philippines.
Integration with community residents. Integration is the process of establishing rapport with the people in a continuing effort for a staff to be involved in community life, in building trust and cooperation.
Holistic state of well-being which includes soundness of mind, body and spirit.
It also called whooping cough, produces an irritating cough that becomes paroxysmal and often ends in high pitched, inspiratory whoop.
Food illness caused by any infectious
You are the public health nurse in a municipality with a total population of about 20,000. There are 3 rural health midwives among the RHU personnel. How many more midwife items will the RHU need?
The following are the Essential Elements of Primary Health Care, except:
This remains to be biggest health care provider. Today, only regional hospitals, medical centers and specialty hospital care are under this.
When will the expectant mother visit health center for pre-natal check-up?
National Health Situation. 3pts
PD 965 – requires all couple to undergo FP seminar on responsible parenthood
This is protected well or a developed spring with an outlet but without a distribution system, generally adaptable for rural areas where the house are thinly scattered.
The following are Bacterial infection, except:
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
This is infection with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma, which are acquired transcutaneously by swimming or wading in contaminated freshwater. The organisms infect the vasculature of the gastrointestinal or genitourinary system.
They are trained in the process of research and are made aware to the needs of the people. They are link between the community and outside resources
Which step in community organizing involves training of potential leaders in the community?
The practice focuses on promotion, protection and restoration of worker’s health within the context of a safe and healthy work environment.
The public health nurse conducts a study on the factors contributing to the high mortality rate due to heart disease in the municipality where she works. Which branch of epidemiology does the nurse practice in this situation?
Which of the following is the most prominent feature of public health nursing?
One of the participants in a hilot training class asked you to whom she should refer a patient in labor who develops a complication. You will answer, to the
The community health nurse provides service along the entire range of the health continuum, but especially emphasizes promotion of health and prevention of illness. The community health nurse identifies people, programs, and agencies interested in achieving a higher level of health, and works with them to accomplish that goal and to sustain the expected changed behaviour.
The public health nurse takes an active role in community participation. What is the primary goal of community organizing?
A business firm must employ an occupational health nurse when it has at least how many employees?
Statements for Level IV Student Immersion Program, except: a. Leaders in managing the activities in the community. b. Monitor and evaluate activities in the community. c. Invites speakers for the general assembly for referrals and linking or networking. d. Conduct health education and seminars for health workersThis aims to awaken the sensitivity of the student nurses to the actual political, socio-economic, moral and spiritual realities and to enable them to respond to the health needs of the people, especially the poor.
This pit is dug to a depth of four to six feet and large enough to take care of waste for several years about 50 cubic feet for family. Bamboo, wood, bricks, hollow blocks, and empty drums may be used to case the pit.
We say that a Filipino has attained longevity when he is able to reach the average lifespan of Filipinos. What other statistic may be used to determine attainment of longevity?
Write 3 settings in CHN
This is given 5th month of pregnancy to 2nd months postpartum
In Health care Delivery System, surgery, medical services by specialist are under what health care:
Information dissemination on the primary health care programs and its activities and eliciting participation from community residents is an activity of the:
Effective health services
This assumes the following roles: 4pts
Objectives of Primary Health Care are:
The following are mode of transmission of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. A. TB is an airborne infection transmitted by droplet nuclei. B. Bacillus multiplies in bronchi or alveoli which results to pneumonitis C. May remain dormant but reactivates immediately.
The following are indicators of community is in poor health status, except:
An indicator of success in community organizing is when people are able to
Name 4 types of CHN.
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female mosquitoes
Different expertise are used in the role of the community health clinician. In the early years of community health nursing, emphasis was placed on physical care skills. With time, competence in observation, listening, communication, and counseling became integral to the clinician role as it grew to encompass psychological and socio-cultural factors.
Organization and training of community health workers (CHWs)
Involves efforts to detect and treat existing health problems at the earliest possible stage, when disease or impairment is already present. Hypertension and cholesterol screening programs in many communities help to identify high-risk individuals and encourage early treatment to prevent heart attacks.
Health Care Delivery System. 3pts
Constitutes a major part of community health practice. Prevention means anticipating and averting problems or discovering them as early as possible in order to minimize potential disability and impairment.
These are symptoms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. A. Progressive fatigue, nausea, anorexia, weight loss, low-grade afternoon fever. B. Cough with mucopurulent sputum, sometimes with blood streak, night sweats, Irritability
What are the levels of prevention CHN? PRIMARY PREVENTION
Permanent Family Planning method:
Among these Excreta – Transmitted Disease, which one is not infectious?
Provision of Safe-Delivery Care A. Ensure clean and safe deliveries at home or at the facilities B. High risk and at-risk pregnancy must be referred to a nearest health institution. C. “Trained Hilot” is allowed to attend to home deliveries only if there is no available licensed health personnel D. Attendants must observe for early signs and symptoms of complications
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.
To identify the political, socio-economic. Moral, and spiritual factors affecting the health conditions of the people.
Private Duty Nursing is a type of:
According to Margaret Shetland, the philosophy of public health nursing is based on which of the following?
The typology of family nursing problems is used in the statement of nursing diagnosis in the care of families. The youngest child of the Delos Reyes family has been diagnosed as mentally retarded. This is classified as a:
A health care provider, taking care of the sick people at home or at RHU
Low-grade afternoon fever; Night sweats; cough with mucopurulent sputum; yspnea, chest tightness and chest pain with blood streak and Irritability; are signs and symptoms of:
Not an activity of Level III Nursing Students:
On the other hand, Operation Timbang is _____ prevention
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
The first symptoms – fever, headache, and chills – may be mild and difficult to recognize as malaria. If not treated within 24 hours, P. falciparum can progress to severe illness, often leading to death
A. High malnutrition rate A. High infant mortality rate B. Lack of sanitary toilet C. High incidence of communicable diseases These statements are indicators of:
Most cases of these virus are caused when a mosquito bites someone, but you can get the virus if you are exposed to infected blood.
Is a group of illness caused by any non-infectious agents.
This is the totality of all policies, equipment, products, human resources and services which address the health needs, problems, and concerns of the people. It is large, complex, multi-level, and multi-disciplinary
A group of people sharing common geographic boundaries and common values and interests. It functions within a particular sociocultural context which means no two communities are alike.
Factors Contributing to Pregnancy Related Illness and Death among Mothers and Infants A. Early pregnancy B. Twin pregnancy C. Pregnancy after age 35 years D. Pregnancy after 4th baby
If the RHU needs additional midwife items, you will submit the request for additional midwife items for approval to the
The public health nurse is the supervisor of rural health midwives. Which of the following is a supervisory function of the public health nurse?
This is a system with a source, a reservoir, a piped distributor network and household taps. It is generally suited for densely populated urban areas.
These are Improper sewage, except:
Group of people who share common characteristics, developmental stage and common exposure which result to common health problems
R.A. 1054 is also known as the Occupational Health Act. Aside from number of employees, what other factor must be considered in determining the occupational health privileges to which the workers will be entitled?
Roles of CHN. 5pts
Give 4 roles of Community Health nurse.
Which of the following is the mission of the Department of Health?
Provision of Safe-Delivery Care includes 3 CLEANs: 3pts
R.A. 7160 mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to local government units. Which of the following is the major goal of devolution?
Which disease was declared through Presidential Proclamation No. 4 as a target for eradication in the Philippines?
This is chronic, sub-acute, or acute disease that most commonly affects the respiratory system, especially the lungs,
Major field of Nursing. 2pts
Health Indices, Health Care Delivery system, and Health Sector are:
When the nurse determines whether resources were maximized in implementing Ligtas Tigdas, she is evaluating
This identifies the objectives of community organizing:
It obviates the occurrence of a health problem; it includes measures taken to keep illness or in-juries from occurring. It is applied to a generally healthy population and precedes disease or dysfunction.
Obviates the occurrence of a health problem; it includes measures taken to keep illness or injuries from occurring
This aims to awaken the sensitivity of the student nurses to the actual political, socio-economic, moral and spiritual realities and to enable them to respond to the health needs of the people, especially the poor.
Dengue virus rarely causes death. However, the infection can progress into a more serious condition known as severe dengue
What are the CHN level of prevention? 3pts
This system is a basic form of a dry toilet whereby a bucket (pail) is used to collect excreta. Usually, feces and urine are collected together in the same bucket, leading to odor issues.
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