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Care of Mother Child Adolescent Well Clients

Deals with concepts, principles, theories, and techniques in the nursing care of individuals and families during childbearing and child-rearing towards health.

health promotion

disease prevention

restoration and maintenance

and rehabilitation

practical nursing



A hormone secreted by the pituitary which stimulates the activities of the gonads.

  • Gonadotropin

Is a plug that fills and seals the cervical canal during pregnancy. It is formed by a small amount of cervical mucus.

  • Operculum



The final step of the Family Nursing Process carried out by the nurse on subsequent visits, observing the same parameters assessed on the initial home visit and relating findings to the expected outcomes or goals.

  • Evaluation
  • Implementation
  • Assessment
  • Diagnosis

Bearing or adopting children, adding new members by marriage, and allowing members to leave is under what function of the family?

  • Socialization
  • Allocation
  • Reproduction
  • Provision of physical needs

The body organ that produces sex cells.

  • gonads


  • Contractions

While the male has the _____ chromosomes

  • XY

Which of the following is an example of unhealthy lifestyle and personal habits?

  • Alcohol drinking and smoking
  • Noise pollution
  • Unsanitary waste disposal
  • Unsanitary food handling

The Family Nursing Process has how many elements?

  • 4
  • 3
  • 5
  • 6

One of the purposes of family health care nursing is to cure any family illness

  • True
  • False



Which of the following is an example of a health deficit?

  • Pregnancy of a teen-age daughter
  • Failure to thrive
  • Presence of hereditary disease like diabetes
  • Loss of job of the father

Which of the following is an example of a Potential Diagnosis?

  • Self-Care Deficit Related to Lack of Materials
  • Breeding of Rodents/Insects Related to Unhygienic Surroundings
  • Hyperthermia (Fever) Related to Infection
  • Sleep Pattern Disturbance Related to Presence of Mosquitoes

Strained marital relationship, care-giving burden, strained parent-sibling relationship are examples of:

  • Health deficit
  • Health threat
  • Accident hazards
  • Stress provoking factors

What is the urethra?

  • The area that makes the stench in sex.
  • The entrance to the womb.
  • Cannal that carries sem*n and urine through the penis to the outside of the body.


  • Birth Canal

Enumerate the four methods done during Physical examination in chronological order : PALPATION

  • 2

Sac like structure that contains the testes


A woman who has completed one pregnancy or has given birth for the first time with a fetus or fetuses who have reached 20 weeks of gestation.

  • A gravida

Painless, irregular contractions that are usually relieved with walking




Other form of family structure based on residence is which of the following:

  • Bilateral
  • Nuclear
  • Bilocal
  • Egalitarian

Softening of the cervix


Under stimulation of the hypothalamus the _____ gland releases hormones


Defined as a systematic way to plan, implement, and evaluate care for individuals, families, groups and communities.

  • Nursing Education
  • Nursing Process
  • Nursing
  • Nursing Audit

Foreseeable crisis in Family Health Nursing is defined as:

  • Anticipated period of unusual demand on individual or family in terms of adjustment
  • Refers to condition of health breakdown or illness in the family
  • An adverse event or negative health consequence due to specific disease or condition
  • Presence of actual health problems

A whitish viscid discharge from the vag*na resulting from inflammation or congestion of the mucous membrane

  • Leukorrhea

The following are examples of accident hazards EXCEPT

  • Broken stairs
  • Stagnant water in the flower vase
  • Medicine improperly kept
  • Fire hazards

Mary, a pregnant 25 y/o has a 2 y/o and 4 y/o children, had an abortion at 16 y/o. What is her GTPAL?

  • Gravida= 3 Full term= 2 Pre-term: 1 Abortion= 1 Living = 2
  • Gravida= 4 Full term= 3 Pre-term: 1 Abortion= 1 Living = 3
  • Gravida= 4 Full term= 2 Pre-term: 0 Abortion= 1 Living = 2
  • Gravida= 4 Full term= 3 Pre-term: 0 Abortion= 1 Living = 3

Calculate for the age of gestation in weeks using Mc Donald’s rule. If the fundic height is 21cm., what is the AOG in weeks?

  • 21 weeks (AOG)
  • 24 weeks (AOG)
  • 32 weeks (AOG)
  • 28 weeks (AOG)

Sperm transport route to egg, site of fertilization, transports egg from ovary.

  • Fallopian tube

A woman who had two or more pregnancies.

  • fraternal twinning

This is the fourth step in Family Nursing Process wherein the initiation and completion of actions necessary to achieve the objectives takes place.

  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • Assessment
  • Evaluating

Thinning and shortening of the cervix.

  • effacement

From the height of contraction until it decreases

  • Decrement or Decrescendo

A woman pregnant for the first time.

  • primigravida

Actual Diagnosis is defined as:

  • Those are present in the patient at the time of assessment
  • No signs and symptoms present at the time of assessment
  • Those that may possibly occur if not corrected early
  • One in which a patient has a high risk that may occur in the future

Enumerate the four methods done during Physical examination in chronological order : PERCUSSION

  • 3

Refers to the unmarried individuals in a committed partnership living together with or without children

  • Gay or Lesbian Family
  • Foster Family
  • Cohabitation Family
  • Communal Family

When the ovaries release eggs into the fallopian tubes, this process is called ovulation.

  • Vulvas
  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation

Barbara: pregnant now, had a set of twins 2 years ago, had an abortion at 16, miscarried at age 18. What is her GTPAL?

  • Gravida (pregnancy #)= 5 Full term= 1 (twins or more count as 1) Pre-term= 0 Abortions= 2 (miscarriage = abortion) Living= 2
  • Gravida (pregnancy #)= 4 Full term= 1 (twins or more count as 1) Pre-term= 0 Abortions= 2 (miscarriage = abortion) Living= 2
  • Gravida (pregnancy #)= 4 Full term= 1 (twins or more count as 1) Pre-term= 1 Abortions= 1 Living= 2
  • Gravida (pregnancy #)= 5 Full term= 2 (twins or more count as 2) Pre-term= 1 Abortions= 2 (miscarriage = abortion) Living= 2



To prevent infection after childbirth, which of the following should be practiced?

  • Good hygiene and recognize early signs of infection
  • Administering antibiotics
  • Not taking a bath for 14 days
  • Injecting oxytocics

Beginning of the contraction to the end of the same contraction

  • Duration

The hypothalamus serves as _____ or is set to turn on gonad functioning.


If the germ cell are XY the gonads become the _____

  • testes

What is the foreskin?

  • The skin covering entire penis.
  • The skin covering the testes.
  • A fold of skin at the end of the penis hat can be removed to cultural or religious beliefs.

Provision of food, shelter, clothing, safety and healthcare is under what function of the family?

  • Allocation
  • Division of labor
  • Provision of physical needs
  • Socialization

What are vulva?

  • External parts of a female’s reproductive organ.
  • The holes in the sex area.
  • The correct answer is: External parts of a female’s reproductive organ.
  • The flaps of skin the cover the vag*nal opening.

Strength of contraction

  • Intensity

The Seminal Vesicle is:

  • Controls temperature of testes.
  • A sac-like structure attached to the vas deferens and to the side of the bladder
  • A muscular tube that passes upward alongside the testes and transports sem*n.

Health Deficit is described as conditions that are conducive to disease

  • True
  • False

Setting of goals occurs in which step of the Family Nursing Process?

  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • Evaluation
  • Assessment

A bacteria that is normally present in the vag*nal mucus


Conjugal, nuclear, extended are classifications of family based on which of the following?

  • Authority
  • Family Descent
  • Residence
  • Internal Organization

Another purpose of family health care nursing is to restore family health.

  • True
  • False



The de los Reyes couple have a 6-year old child entering school for the first time. The de los Reyes family has a

  • Health deficit
  • Health threat
  • Stress point
  • Foreseeable crisis

What family structure is characterized as intimate partners of the same sex living together or own property together?

  • Communal Family
  • Extended Family
  • Nuclear Family
  • Gay or Lesbian Family

The following are parts of a Community Diagnosis Except:

  • Evaluation
  • Factors
  • Manifestations
  • Boundaries

Is the downward movement of the fetus in the birth canal.

  • Fetal descent

Little lobes of placenta


Refers to the blueprint that the nurse designs to systematically minimize or eliminate the identified health and family nursing problems.

  • Family Health Process
  • Family Care Plan
  • Nursing diagnosis
  • Medical Care Plan

With the chin tucked, it is easier for the baby's head to pass through the pelvis.

  • Flexion

Foreseeable crisis is best described as:

  • Presence of illness in one family member
  • Conditions that are conducive to disease
  • Instances of failure in health maintenance
  • Conditions that can be predicted or anticipated

Which of the following is a classification of family based on family descent?

  • Matrilocal Family
  • Matriarchal Family
  • Conjugal Family
  • Matrilineal Family

Lowest and narrow end of Uterus also called the "neck".

  • cervix

Delivery of the shoulders and fetal body

  • Expulsion

Oogenesis, ovulation and hormone production


Beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction

  • Frequency

Height or peak of contraction

  • Acme or Apex

One of the stages of family development that can be most emotionally difficult for parents as they now need to accept a multitude of exits and entries into the family is:

  • Families in later life
  • Launching children and moving on
  • Families with young children
  • Families with adolescents

Also called “after birth”, specialized vascular disc shaped organ responsible for maternal fetal gas and nutrient exchange.

  • Maternal-fetal exchange

observe the relationship of the client and caregiver

  • C

End of contraction to the beginning of next contraction

  • Interval

Head undergoes Restitution-rotation of the head back to its original position

  • External Rotation

What are the main parts of a penis?

  • Prepuce and eggs
  • Shaft and glans
  • Foreskin and hair



In family health nursing, if the patient resides in a substandard house, this could delay his recovery. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Family Health Nursing Process is defined as:

  • The Nursing Process that considers the family, not the individual, as the unit of care
  • None of the above
  • A dynamic, systematic, organized method of critical thinking about the family
  • Nursing that considers health of the family as a unit in addition to the health of the individual family members

Which of the following is the synonym of health threat?

  • Health risk
  • Foreseeable crisis
  • Actual nursing problem
  • Health deficit

These are small glands inferior to the prostate gland that secretes alkaline fluid


obtain a health history from the client

  • A

“ A risk of low birth rate among pregnant adolescents in the downtown area___________ inadequate income and use of tobacco.” Supply the missing link/term in the above Community Diagnosis

  • as evidenced by
  • as seen by
  • related to
  • as manifested by

The term that refers to Softening and compressibility of the lower uterus


A long coiled tube approximately 20 feet long at which the sperm travels for 12 to 20 days


What is the pituitary gland?

  • Located near the brain, and secretes hormones.
  • Located near penis, and secretes hormones.
  • Located near testes, and secretes hormones.

This is when the widest part of the baby's head has entered the pelvis.

  • Engagement

Relationship of presenting fetal part to a line measuring the degree of descent.

  • Station

Enumerate the four methods done during Physical examination in chronological order : AUSCULTATION

  • 4

Pair of glands that are also known as vulvovag*nal gland or Paravag*nal gland


The mons pubis is ___________.

  • Both of the above.
  • The fleshy area located above the top of the vag*nal opening.
  • Two pairs of skin flaps the surround the vag*nal opening.

Cervical secretion, blood-tinged mucus, and the mucous plug that blocked the cervix during pregnancy.

  • bloody



According to World Health Organization, women die as a result of complications during and following pregnancy and childbirth. The following are the major complications that account for nearly 75% of all maternal deaths EXCEPT:

  • Severe bleeding shortly after childbirth
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy (Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia)
  • . Chronic conditions like cardiac disease
  • Infections usually after childbirth

Which of the following describes Health threat?

  • Stress provoking factors
  • A crisis that may happen in the future
  • Conditions that is conducive to disease

Assigning the workload; including responsibility for household income and household management is under what function of the family?

  • Reproduction
  • Division of labor
  • Allocation
  • Socialization

Dome shaped upper portion of Uterus between the pints of insertion of the uterine tube.

  • fundus

The typology of family nursing problems is used in the statement of nursing diagnosis in the care of families. The youngest child of the de los Reyes family has been diagnosed as mentally retarded. This is classified as a

  • Stress point
  • Health deficit
  • Health threat
  • Foreseeable crisis

The first sign of pubescence in female is usually _____ formation




Living alone, never married

  • Blended/reconstituted
  • Extended/multigenerational



The decent of the fetus into the pelvis.

  • Fetal station

Defined as the continuous process of observing, recording and reporting day to day activities during the implementation phase.

  • Planning
  • Evaluating
  • Assessing
  • Monitoring

A woman who has completed two or more pregnancies or has given birth several times to 20 weeks or more gestation.

  • multip

Transverse folds of skin in the vag*nal wall


A supine position with the legs separated, flexed, and supported in raised stirrups.

  • Lithotomy position

Refers to condition including the promotion and maintenance of physical, mental, spiritual and social health for the family unit and for individual family members.

  • Community Diagnosis
  • Family Health
  • Nursing
  • Environment

When sem*n is pushed through and out of a male’s body through the urethra is a process called_______.

  • Menstruation
  • Erection
  • Ejac*lation


  • Patient extremely anxious.



assess the home and community environment

  • D

The first main factor that prevent women from receiving or seeking care during pregnancy is:

  • Poverty
  • Cultural beliefs and practices
  • teral
  • Lack of information
  • Distance to facilities

The first step in Family Nursing process is which of the following?

  • Planning
  • Evaluation
  • Assessment
  • Diagnosis

At this point, the birth canal curves upward, and the baby's head must extend back. It rotates under and around the pubic bone.

  • Extension

This is when the baby's head moves down further through the pelvis.

  • C

Considered as the neck of the uterus


Two generations of family, parents, and their own or adopted children residing in the same household-

  • Blended/reconstituted
  • Extended/multigenerational

The length of one contraction, from the beginning of the increment to the conclusion of the decrement.

  • 30 seconds

The following are classifications of family based on internal organization EXCEPT:

  • Conjugal Family
  • Extended Family
  • Nuclear Family
  • Patriarchal Family

Two or more adult generations and one that includes grandparents and grandchildren living in the same household is what type of family?

  • Extended/multigenerational
  • Nuclear
  • Blended/reconstituted

Evaluation is the last step in Family Nursing Process. Outcome Evaluation is:

  • Conclude progress or lack of progress towards the goal after several actions are implemented
  • Tends to evaluate the total care plan
  • Relate to evaluations of implementation whether it is carried out properly or whether any
  • intervention left

One trait common in healthy families is that there is only one decision maker

  • True
  • False



Health Deficit is described as:

  • A crisis that may happen in the future
  • Instances of failure in health maintenance
  • Conditions that are conducive to disease
  • Stress provoking factors

examine the client

  • B

Community Diagnosis is divided into two types, the Actual Diagnosis and the Potential Diagnosis. Potential Diagnosis is:

  • One in which a patient has a high risk that may occur in the future
  • No signs and symptoms present at the time of assessment
  • Those are present in the patient at the time of assessment
  • Complaints of the patient at the time of assessment


  • Site of implantation

The expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it has reached the stage of viability

  • abortion

Directions: Arrange in Chronological Order. Drag the correct answer in the box provided: SIGNS OF PLACENTAL SEPARATION

  • 1. Fundus becomes globular and firm again, rising high to the level of the umbilicus (Calkin’s sign‑ earliest sign of placental separation) 2. Lengthening of the cord 3. Sudden gush of blood

From the beginning of contraction until it increases

  • Increment or Crescendo

One of the guidelines for data collection in Family Nursing Process is ensuring confidentiality. This is one of the ethical principles which means?

  • Telling the truth
  • The obligation to do or cause no harm to another
  • The duty to do what one has promised
  • Restricting the sharing of sensitive client information

The male organ of copulation


The following are examples of accident hazards EXCEPT:

  • Broken stairs
  • Fire hazards
  • Medicine improperly kept
  • Stagnant water in the flower vase

One of the disadvantages of family health nursing is that it requires the nurse to carry portable laboratory machinery to the patient’s home. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Release of egg from woman's ovaries which takes place 14 days before next period.

  • ovulation


  • Fetus

Usually, the baby will be face down toward the mother’s spine or boarder of the sacrum

  • Internal Rotation

According to World Health Organization, women die as a result of complications during and following pregnancy and childbirth. The major complications account for how many percent of all maternal deaths?

  • 50%
  • 100%
  • 95%
  • 75%

Refers to a group of people united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption, living together under one roof and constitute a single housekeeping unit.

  • Individual
  • Family
  • Nation
  • Community

Which of the following is an example of an Actual Diagnosis?

  • Decubitus ulcer may develop in bedridden patients
  • Severe abdominal pain as complained by the patient
  • Accident or fall because of broken stairway
  • Development of Cardiac problems because of obesity

Enumerate the four methods done during Physical examination in chronological order : INSPECTION

  • 1

If the germ cell are XX the gonads become the

  • ovaries

Purplish hue to the cervix and vag*nal mucosa


Organ of implantation/menstruation, receives ova from fallopian tube and furnishes protection for growing fetus.

  • uterus

Sharing of important roles is one of the traits of a healthy family

  • True
  • False

The chromosomal sex or biologic sex is formed at fertilization. The female has the _____ chromosomes.

  • XX

The stage of life at which secondary sex changes begins.

  • puberty

What is puberty?

  • When a man starts to grow hair on their body.
  • When the reproductive system starts to produce sex hormones, and a man’s sex organs start to function.
  • A muscular tube that passes upward alongside the testes and transports sem*n.