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Is a collection of steps to solve a particular problem. Learning data structures and algorithms allow us to write efficient and optimized computer programs.
New nodes are added to the ________ of the queue.
Eulerian refers to the Swiss mathematician _____Euler, who invented graph theory in the 18th century.
An MD5 hash function encodes a string of information and encodes it into a___bit fingerprint.
A stack and a queue are different names for the same ADT.
Linked representation of binary tree needs ______ parallel arrays.
State True or False for internal sorting algorithms. i. Internal sorting are applied when the entire collection if data to be sorted is small enough that the sorting can take place within main memory. ii. The time required to read or write is considered significant in evaluating the performance of internal sorting.
Hashing is also used in encryption.
What happens when you push a new node onto a stack?
Which of the following is non-linear data structure?
This is the term used to delete an element from the stack.
Tree is a hierarchical data structure which stores the information naturally in the form of hierarchy style.
This is the insertion operation in the stack.
A directed general-graph is a general-graph in which the set E is the set of ordered pairs of vertices.
A word processor to have a PF key that causes the preceding command to be redisplayed. Every time the PF key is pressed, the program is to show the command that preceded the one currently displayed
Sorting algorithm can be characterized as ________________.
The value in the left child of a node (if it exists) in a binary search tree will be greater than the value in the node itself.
Value of first linked list index is _______________.
This is a binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children.
__________________ is putting an element in the appropriate place in a sorted list yields a larger sorted order list.
The dummy header in linked list contains ____________________.
A list may be linear or nonlinear, depending on its implementation.
Deletion operation is done using __________ in a queue.
The term used to insert an element into stack.
A program to keep track of patients as they check into a medical clinic, assigning patients to doctors on a first-come, first-served basis.
If the number of records to be sorted is small, then __________ sorting can be efficient.
Which data structure is suitable to represent the hierarchal relationship between elements?
___________ sorting algorithm is frequently used when n is small, where n is the total number of elements.
Stack follows the strategy of ________________.
An electronic address book ordered by name
_____________ order is the best possible for array sorting algorithm which sorts n item.
In linked representation of stack, the null pointer of the last node in the list signals _____________________.
Which of the following is true about the characteristics of abstract data types? i. It exports a type. ii. It exports a set of operations.
What is a run list?
The depth of complete binary tree is given by ________________.
It is a pile in which items are added at one end and removed from the other.
Graph Algorithms or Graph ______ are analytic tools used to determine strength and direction of relationships between objects in a graph.
The following algorithm is a count-controlled loop going from 1 through 5. At each iteration, the loop counter is either printed or put on a queue depending on the result of Boolean function RanFun(). (The behavior of RanFun() is immaterial.) At the end of the loop, the items on the queue are dequeued and printed. Because of the logical properties of a queue, this algorithm cannot print certain sequences of the values of the loop counter. You are given an output and asked if the algorithm could generate the output. Set count to 0 WHILE (count < 5) Set count to count + 1 IF (RanFun()) Write count, ' ' ELSE Enqueue(myQueue, count) WHILE (NOT IsEmpty(myQueue)) Dequeue(myQueue, number) Write number, ' ' The following output is possible using a queue: 1 3 5 4 2
A hash function that returns a unique hash number is called a _______hash function.
A pointer variable which contains the location at the top element of the stack.
Binary search algorithm cannot be applied to _______________.
A leaf in a tree is a node with no children.
Each node in a linked list must contain at least ___________________.
In binary trees, nodes with no successor are called _______________.
_______programming is a method of solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler steps.
A connected graph T without any cycles is called ________________.
A dictionary of words used by a spelling checker to be built and maintained.
In a graph, if E=(u,v), it means _____________.
Which of the following is not the required condition for binary search algorithm?
Which is the pointer associated with the stack?
The following algorithm is a count-controlled loop going from 1 through 5. At each iteration, the loop counter is either printed or put on a queue depending on the result of Boolean function RanFun(). (The behavior of RanFun() is immaterial.) At the end of the loop, the items on the queue are dequeued and printed. Because of the logical properties of a queue, this algorithm cannot print certain sequences of the values of the loop counter. You are given an output and asked if the algorithm could generate the output. Set count to 0 WHILE (count < 5) Set count to count + 1 IF (RanFun()) Write count, ' ' ELSE Enqueue(myQueue, count) WHILE (NOT IsEmpty(myQueue)) Dequeue(myQueue, number) Write number, ' ' The following output is possible using a queue: 1 3 5 2 4
Trees are ________ if they are similar and have the same contents at corresponding nodes.
Inserting an item into the stack when stack is not full is called ____________ while operation and deletion of item from the stack, when stack is not empty is called ________________ operation.
Identify the data structure which allows deletions at both ends of the list but insertion at only one end.
A hash table is an array containing all of the keys to search on.
Draw the binary search tree whose elements are inserted in the following order: 50 72 96 94 107 26 12 11 9 2 10 25 51 16 17 95 If Print is applied to the tree formed above, in which order would the elements be printed?
The _______ algorithm is a graph search algorithm that finds the shortest path between a given source vertex and all other vertices in the graph.
In an extended binary tree, nodes with 2 children are called _________________.
On average, searching in a binary search tree is faster than searching in a list.
Linked lists are best suited _____________________.
These are binary trees with threads.
_____matrix in graph theory is a matrix sized n*n , where n is the number of vertices of the graph.
Hashing provides a more reliable and_ method of data retrieval than any other data structure.
A binary search tree whose left subtree and right subtree differ in height by at most 1 unit is called ____________________.
A connected graph T without any cycles is called a ____________.
The rearranging of pairs of elements which are out of order, until no such pairs remain.
The average case occurs in linear search algorithm _______________.
A complete digraph is a directed graph in which every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a ___of unique edges (one in each direction).
In the linked representation of the stack, __________ pointer behaves as the top pointer variable of stack.
_____Algorithm : is significantly faster in the limit when you've got a really dense graph with many more edges than vertices.
A linear list in which the pointer points only to the successive node.
What does the sequential representation of binary trees use?
______ are a common method to visually illustrate relationships in the data.
What is written by the following algorithm? Push(myStack, 5) Push(myStack, 4) Push(myStack, 4) Pop(myStack, item) Pop(myStack, item) Push(myStack, item) WHILE (NOT IsEmpty(myStack)) Pop(myStack, item) Write item, ' '
Dijkstra's algorithm works correctly, because all edge weights are non-________, and the vertex with the least shortest-path estimate is always chosen.
Which of the following names does not relate to stacks?
A stack displays FIFO behavior.
In ___________ we specify an object that is used as a key, and the value we want to associate to that key.
This is the operation of processing each element in the list.
The four most common are probably line graphs, bar graphs and histograms, pie charts, and ?
The eight most commonly used graphs are linear, power, quadratic, polynomial, rational, ______, logarithmic, and sinusoidal.
A hash function is a function which when given a key, generates an address in the table.
Graphs are a powerful and versatile data structure that easily allow you to represent real life relationships between different types of data (nodes).
Dijkstra's algorithm is Dijkstra's algorithm, it is neither algorithm because BFS and DFS themselves are not Dijkstra's algorithm.
Every node N in a binary tree T except the root has a unique parent called the ________ of N.
The term push and pop is related to _____________.
Herder node is used as sentinel in __________________.
Which of the following is an application of stack?
Stack is also called the ________________.
A pseudo _____-graph is a general-graph allowing edges to connect a vertex to itself.
A simple graph, also called a ______graph.
Which of the following data structure can't store the non-homogeneous data elements?
Indicate which structure would be a more suitable choice for each of the following applications. A program keeping track of where canned goods are located on a shelf.
Which of the following sorting algorithm is of priority queue sorting type?
In a graph, if e=[u,v], then u and v are called _______________
A simple graph may be either ____________.
_______ Algorithm : performs better in typical situations (sparse graphs) because it uses simpler data structures.
In a linked list, the ____________ contains the address of next element in the list.
LINK is the pointer pointing to the ____________________.
A bank simulation of its teller operation to see how waiting times would be affected by adding another teller.
A program to keep track of the soccer teams in a city tournament
An ______hash function encodes a string of information and encodes it into a 128-bit fingerprint.
A binary tree is a tree in which each node can have zero, one, or two children.
A ________ is a data structure that has two types of elements, vertices and edges.
Partition and exchange sort is ____________.
Which data structure allows deleting data elements from and inserting at rear?
The hash table should be an array with length about __times the maximum number of keys that will actually be in the table, and. Size of hash table array should be a prime number.
This indicates the end of the list.
Graph G is _____________ if for any pair u, v of nodes in G, there is a path from u to v or path from v to u.
Breadth-____-search is the algorithm that will find shortest paths in an unweighted graph.
Algorithms that use a list must know whether the list is array based or linked.
Another name for directed graph.
The hash table should be an array with length about _ times the maximum number of keys that will actually be in the table, and. Size of hash table array should be a prime number.
Which of the following is two way lists?
This is a terminal node in a binary tree.
A linear list in which the last node points to the first node.
Binary search trees are ordered.
This is very useful in situation when data have to be stored and then retrieved in reverse order.
In linked lists, there are no NULL links in ______________
Which of the following is not a limitation of binary search algorithm?
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm outputs the correct result as long as no negative cycles exist in the input graph.
A program to maintain the routes in an airline.
A queue displays LIFO behavior.
The elements are removal from a stack in _________ order.
Which of the following data structure is non-linear type?
The complexity of merge sort algorithm.
In a graph, the vertices represent the items being modeled.
_________ algorithms work by recursively constructing a set of objects from the smallest possible constituent parts.
Which indicates pre-order traversal?
A _______________ is a data structure that organizes data similar to a line in the supermarket, where the first one in line is the first one out.
Kruskal's Algorithm : performs better in typical situations (sparse graphs) because it uses simpler data structures. Prim's Algorithm : is significantly ___the limit when you've got a really dense graph with many more edges than vertices.
Comparing BFS and DFS, the big advantage of DFS is that it has much _____memory requirements than BFS, because it's not necessary to store all of the child pointers at each level.
A program to receive data that is to be saved and processed in the reverse order.
The value in the right child of a node (if it exists) in a binary search tree will be greater than the value in the node itself.
This refers to a linear collection of data items.
The complexity of sorting algorithm measures the __________ as a function of the number n of items to be shorter.
Dynamic programming is a method of solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler steps.
A graph consists of a set of nodes or vertices together with a set of edges or arcs where each edge joins two ______.
This is a linear list in which insertions and deletions are made to form either end of the structure.
Which of the following sorting algorithm is of the divide and conquer type?
This form of access is used to add and remove nodes from a queue.
This form of access is used to add/remove nodes from a stack.
Which of the following is not the part of ADT description?
Indexing the ________________ element in the list is not possible in linked lists.
In a 2-tree, nodes with 0 children are called ___________.
This may take place only when there is some minimum amount or no space left in free storage list.
____________________ is not the component of data structure.
Which data structure is used in breadth first search of a graph to hold nodes?
A binary search tree is another name for a binary tree.
Bellman Ford algorithm is useful in finding shortest path from a given source vertex to all the other vertices even if the graph contains a _______ weight edge.
What is a queue?
In computer science, a problem is said to have optimal substructure if an optimal solution can be constructed from optimal solutions of its subproblems.
A binary search cannot be applied to a tree.
The operation of processing each element in the list is known as ________________.
A ________ is a data structure that is used to store keys/value pairs.
Breadth-first-search is the algorithm that will find shortest paths in an _____ graph.
Shortest path algorithms are a family of algorithms designed to solve the shortest path problem.
Each node in singly linked list has _______ fields.
What is written by the following algorithm? Enqueue(myQueue, 5) Enqueue(myQueue, 4) Enqueue(myQueue, 4) Dequeue(myQueue, item) Dequeue(myQueue, item) Enqueue(myQueue, item) WHILE (NOT IsEmpty(myQueue)) Dequeue(myQueue, item) Write item, ' '
Which of the following data structures is linear type?
____________________ level is where the model becomes compatible executable code.
In linked representation of stack, ___________ fields hold the elements of the stack.
The worst case occurs in linear search algorithm when ________________.
Which of the following is/are the levels of implementation of data structure?
A graph is a collection of points, called vertices, and line segments connecting those points, called _______.
The complexity of linear search algorithm.
The Three methods in HASHING in open addressing are linear probing, quadratic probing, and _____hashing.
The method used by card sorter.
The complexity of bubble sort algorithm.
The retrieval of items in a stack is ___________ operation.
______ is one of the most powerful and advanced data structures. It is a non-linear data structure compared to arrays, linked lists, stack and queue. It represents the nodes connected by edges.
A program to keep track of family relationships
Path Matrix in graph theory is a matrix sized ___ , where n is the number of vertices of the graph.
A hash______ is a data structure that is used to store keys/value pairs.
A graph is a____structure that has two types of elements, vertices and edges.
The situation when in a linked list START=NULL is ____________________.
A graph is a picture designed to express words, particularly the connection between two or more quantities.
Which is the pointer associated with the availability list?
The root of a tree is the node that has no ancestors.
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