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Marketing of products or services outside of your brand's domestic audience by expanding foreign territories, brands are able to increase their brand awareness.
This refers to the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
This means producing a specialized product in another country in order to take advantage of the peculiar strengths of that country.
This activity refers to promoting understanding of the organization with internal and external communications.
In this stage, the continued growth of the company will warrant additional investment in marketing research, new product development, advertising and sales promotion and customer service.
This is considering as a major issue in product strategy
This includes government Statistics, Industry associations, Trade publications, Company websites.
The tariffs, quotas, exchange control and administrative regulation are what of the commercial policy?
This is the link in where the export department or international division make decisions on channels and other marketing mix elements.
This is affected by such factors as differences in costs, demand conditions, competition and government laws. The impact of these factors on pricing is figured in by following particular pricing orientation.
In this stage, the customer develops enough interest in the product and starts searching information about it.
Marketing is the analyzing, organizing, planning and ____________ of the firm’s customer-impinging resources on policies and activities with a view to satisfying the needs and wants of chosen consumer groups at a profit.
In this factor, the number of repetitions needed to put across the brand’s message to consumer also determines the advertising budget
This bases of segmentation, it calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, provinces, cities or neighborhoods.
This major tools in Marketing Public Relations rely extensively on communication materials to reach and influence their target markets. These includes annual reports, brochures, articles, audiovisual materials and company newsletters and magazines.
In this link, the company get products from their foreign entry point to the final buyers and users.
The container or wrapper in packaging is called what?
This contains three intermediaries. Thus wholesalers may sell to jobbers, who then sell to neighborhood retailers.
It is said that can be analyzed with reference to such factors as the number of firms in the industry, product differentiation and ease of entry.
This tools rely extensively on communication materials to reach and influence their target markets. These includes annual reports, brochures, articles, audiovisual materials and company newsletters and magazines.
This covers a wide range of marketing and environmental factors that can affect a product’s success in a foreign market.
This refers to the item offered for sale.
This may result in the identification of opportunities for global products and brands and integrating and coordinating strategy across national boundaries to exploit potential synergies of operating on an international scale. Such opportunities should, however, be weighed against the benefits of adaption to customer characteristics.
This international marketing challenges involves variation in semiotics, values, ideas, attitudes, beliefs, assumptions and traditions pose a challenge to the international marketing manager.
To successfully compete globally, rather than simply operate domestically companies should emphasize the linkage of marketing activities which answers the_______________.
In this step, the product message should be decided as part of developing the product concept as it expresses the major benefit that the brand offers. Yet even within this concept, there may be latitude for several possible messages. And overtime, the marketer might want to change the message without even changing the product, especially if consumers are seeking new or different benefits from the product.
This level of segmentation often customized as per the individual customers.
In this step, the company can select the most appropriate target market for the firm.
What is the fifth levels of a product?
This refers to a source to obtain information about consumer satisfaction levels with existing products and their opinions and expectations regarding new products and services
This coordinates successive stages of production and distribution through the size and power of one of the parties.
To successfully compete globally, rather than simply operate domestically companies should emphasize global coordination of marketing activities in where ____________________
This involves marketing activities within a single country and typically the first area where companies seek to market their products and services
In this stage, the customer is being exposed and aware of the new product.
This company overseas involvement category operates within a geographically defined region that crosses national boundaries.
In this stage the market for a product will start to shrink
In this step, the company has to choose on the different major media types like Newspaper, Television, Direct Mail, Radio and Magazine, Social media and consider different factors such as product, message and cost.
Refers to the goods that the customer usually purchases frequently, immediately and with a minimum effort
This refers to the corporate-sponsored messages transmitted through the mass media.
In this step, the company must next search for the most cost-effective media vehicle within each media type.
This is improved by resource allocation across markets and countries and to take advantage of potential synergies through improved integration and coordination of international strategies.
This refers to a subset of packaging. In practice, before labels are finally recommended for approval, rough designs are submitted first.
This includes In-depth interviews, Surveys, Focus groups, Social media monitoring.
In this factor, Brands in a commodity class require heavy advertising to establish a differential image. Advertising is also important when a brand can offer unique physical benefits or features.
This refers to the expenses that the company make to market and sell its products, develop and promote its brand.
This company overseas involvement category involves manufacturing and assembly, marketing and sales are decentralized beyond the home country. Products are exported outside the country.
This factors defines that a higher advertising budget may be set aside when the target market is interested in advertising information and do not mind being bombarded with ads.
This seeks to determine whether an ad is communicating effectively. Also called copy testing, it can be done before an ad is put into media and after it is printed or broadcast
This refer to the item offered for sale to a market. It includes physical goods, services, persons, places, organizations and ideas.
This can be defined in physical or marketing terms.
In this type, buyers are divided into groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude toward, use of, or response to a product.
In this stage the market for a product will start to shrink.
In this stage, the attitude of the customer regarding the products is important.
This process occurs the customer accepted the product for continuing use after satisfactory experience during trial.
In this factor, a brand must advertise more heavily to be heard above the noise in the market. Even simple clutter from advertisement not directly competitive to the brand creates a need for heavier advertising.
This comprises the producer, wholesalers and retailers acting as a unified system.
How many specific factors are to be consider in setting the advertising budget?
To successfully compete globally, rather than simply operate domestically companies should emphasize global configuration of marketing activities in where_________________
This means a new product is defined as one that is new to the host country, but not new to the international market.
In this level of segmentation, the products tailored according to the needs and wants of local customer groups
This refers to a more narrowly defined group, typically a small market whose needs are not being well served.
This refers to the one of the major tasks of PR professionals is to find or create favorable updates about the company, its products and its people.
In this stage, the continued growth of the company will warrant additional investment in marketing research, new product development, advertising and sales promotion and customer service
In this step, the company required to describes the segments.
This is the first decision is whether the company should develop a brand name for its product in other countries.
This is required to be made on the basis of careful analysis and review.
This international Marketing challenges urge the companies or firm doing business with different countries have to follow rules, regulations, trade laws, taxation laws and local contractual obligations
This level of segmentation required the products tailored according to the needs and wants of local customer groups
This refers to a nonpaid form of communication.
Example of this tools are coupons, Cash refund offers (rebates), Price packs (cents-off deals), Premiums (gifts), Prizes (contests, sweepstakes, games), Patronage awards, Free Trials, Product warranties, The-in promotions, Cross-Promotions, Point-of-Purchase (POP) displays and demonstrations and Samples.
This is said to be a more serious restriction than a tariff because the firm has less flexibility in responding to it.
This refers a tax on products imported from other countries.
Under this method, the prices at which similar assets have recently sold are used as the basis for an asset valuation.
This refers to the summary statements of all the economic transactions between one country and all other countries over a period of time, usually one year.
This means introducing the product in the foreign market without any change
The _____________ also defined as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and giving value to customers and give benefits to the organization.
This refers to a public information that has been collected by others. It is typically free or inexpensive to obtain and can act as a strong foundation to any research project.
There are how many types of pricing orientation?
This plans should be prepared for each individual promotion. Implementation planning must cover lead time and sell-in time.
This occurs when a single firm uses two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments.
This includes a channel member called a franchisor might link several successive stages in the production-distribution process. Franchising has been the fastest growing and most interesting retailing development in recent years.
In this step, the advertiser faces a macroscheduling problem and a microscheduling problem.
This means adaption, and making appropriate changes in a product to match local perspectives.
This means communication with the customer.
This is said to be needed to assess opportunities and risks in different countries throughout the world and to plan international market entry and mode of operation.
This refers to a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer.
This is a business enterprise that sells goods or services directly to the final consumer for his or her personal, non business use.
This follows the logic of the concept of international product life cycle. As the exports grow, the firm considers setting up a warehouse, a sales branch, or a service center in the foreign locale.
In this structure, this offers greater flexibility than the single-line-of-command structures already discussed and reconciles this flexibility with coordination and economies of scale to the strength of large organizations.
Information under this category includes a wide variety of data on factors like size of the population, national income and principle sources, political and law regulations etc.
This refers to exchanges across national boundaries for the satisfaction of human needs and wants. It involves marketing in more than one country.
This refers to the link between producers and customers. Basically, an international marketer distributes either directly or indirectly.
This tool is carried by the company’s logo, stationery, brochures, signs, business forms, business cards, building and dress-codes.
This market segment consists of a large identifiable group within a market. An international company that practices it recognizes that buyers differ in their wants, purchasing power, geographical locations, buying attitudes and buying habits.
This can be defined in terms of profit and volume
The product life cycle is consisting of how many stages?
In this stage, small companies typically appoint a sales manager, who manages a sales force and also does some selling. When the company needs marketing research or advertising, the marketing manager hires help from the outside.
This is based on a variety of considerations among which price is just one.
This is considering as first decisions that a marketing manager makes in order to develop a marketing mix.
This activity refers to presenting news and information about the organization in the most positive light.
This answer the question; how should the results be evaluated?
This is also defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
This refers to means to increase the sales.
This refers to the marketing management activity that involves handling the different streams employed by a company to sell its products or services.
This bases of segmentation calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, provinces, cities or neighborhoods.
This includes activities that direct the flow of goods from one country to the users of another country.
In this structure, the company’s activities are separated in two units. One domestic and the other is international.
This consists of a manufacturer selling directly to the final customer.
This refers to the goods that consumers either do not know about or would never think of buying.
This consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term., designed to stimulate quicker and/or greater purchase of particular product/services by consumers or the trade.
What is the fourth levels of the product?
A _________________ in export pricing that a company must consider is whether to set a common price or different prices for domestic and international markets.
This is the idea in where companies can run the same advertising and promotion campaigns used in the home market or change them for each local market.
This is considered as one of the most important elements of marketing product mix, generate cash and determines a company’s survival.
This mean an industry in which the strategic positions of competitors in major geographic or national markets are fundamentally affected by their overall global positions.
The three major steps of Target Marketing are Market Segmentation, Target Marketing and___________.
This tool uses for creating product and company publicity. Increasingly, company executives must field questions from the media or give talks at trade associations or sale’s meetings and these appearances can build or hurt the company’s image.
This company’s overseas involvement category High decentralized organization operating across a broad range of countries.
This structure assigns worldwide responsibility to product group executives at the line management levels. The firm is segregated along product lines; each division is separate profit center with the division head directly accountable for profitability.
This refers to both qualitative and quantitative coverage of customers and is determined by an analysis of customers, including such factors as their geographic locations, sales potential and service requirements.
This problem calls for allocating, advertising expenditures within a short period to obtain the maximum impact.
This refer to those that do not vary with the scale of operations, such as number of units manufactured.
This means the objective statement would emphasize the satisfaction of a customer need.
In this stage, the customer is being exposed and aware of the new product
This can influence the business in different ways. Language problems, pricing difficulties and culture-collisions are not uncommon especially in the beginning.
This represents a simple way for a manufacturer to become involved in international marketing. This is also a business arrangement in which one company gives another company permission to manufacture its product for a specified payment.
This involves determining which products to introduce into which countries; what modifications to make in the products; what new products to add; what brand names to use; what package designs to use; what guarantees and warranties to give; what after-sales services to offer; and finally, when to enter the market.
This refers to a process of testing strategies, designs and formulations according to a test and learn approach.
This can be explained by such costs as transportation, customs duty, and distributor margins, all associated with exports
This refers to information about the performance of sales team and key trends.
The objective of this classification aims to convince its audience of a certain belief that leads to action often buying products. Persuasive advertising uses various techniques to appeal to the logical, emotional and ethical sides of the decision-making process.
According to this concept, many products go through a trade cycle wherein one nation is initially an exporter, then loses its export markets, and finally may become an importer of the product.
This refers to a type of communication between buyer and the seller
This is said to be a key factor that must be taken into account before an export decides to enter a foreign market.
This company overseas involvement category involves high decentralized organization operating across a broad range of countries.
This promotion can persuade the retailer or wholesaler to carry more goods than the normal amount.
This refers to institutions and functions that are necessary to create, develop and service demand. These include retailers, wholesalers, sales agents, warehousing, transportation, creditors and media. The availability, performance, and cost of the support system profoundly affect the product design strategy.
This seeks to determine whether an ad is communicating effectively. Also called copy testing, it can be done before an ad is put into media and after it is printed or broadcast.
This refers to an investment in a foreign business enterprise designed to acquire a controlling interest in this enterprise.
This marketing channel terminology is an intermediary who assists in the distribution process but neither takes title to goods nor negotiates purchases or sales.
This represents an effort to increase a company’s targeting precision. It can be carried out at four levels: segments, niches, local and individuals
In this problem, the advertiser must decide how to schedule the advertising in relation to seasonal and business-cycle trends.
This category operates within a geographically defined region that crosses national boundaries.
This combines successive stages of production and distribution under single ownership.
This provides information about the features of a new product or service in order to initiate the decision-making process of consumers.
This refers to the pricing of goods or services among units within the corporation. It serves as a measure of the economic performance of profit centers within the enterprise.
This refers to consisting of creating of something new for foreign market
This activity deals with legislators and government officials to promote or defeat legislation and regulation.
This refers to a market research conducted either simultaneously or sequentially to facilitate marketing decisions in more than one country.
This refers to marketing systems in which two or more unrelated companies put together resources or programs to exploit an emerging marketing opportunity
This refers to the time necessary to prepare the program prior to launching.
This is the term used to refer to government regulations bearing on foreign trade
The purpose of this control is to ensure that the company achieves the sales, profits, and other goals established in its annual plan.
This refers to the International Development Association, created for the purpose of giving “soft” loans to the least developed countries, that is, long-term loans at very low interest rates.
This creates the largest potential market, which leads to the lowest costs, which in turn can translate into either lower prices or higher margins.
This is associated with the prices that an international marketer pays to avail the services rendered by the production.
In this step, the company can select the most appropriate target market for the firm
An international company that practices this level of segmentation recognizes that buyers differ in their wants, purchasing power, geographical locations, buying attitudes and buying habits.
Changing of channels according to time is called what?
It involves both credit standing and cash flow position.
This control implies a critical review of overall marketing effectiveness in relation to broad and long-term objectives and firm’s response to marketing environment.
Products may be added to the line for two reasons first is to serve an unfulfilled customer need in a particular market overseas and second is ____________________.
This category includes a wide variety of data on factors like size of the population, national income and principle sources, political and law regulations etc.
This refers to a firm that operates in more than one country and captures R&D, production, logistics, marketing and financial advantages in its costs and reputation that are not available to purely domestic competitors.
This is considered as the twin element of sales volume which when combined make up sales revenues.
This means selling to an intermediary, who in turn sells your products either directly to customers or to importing wholesalers
Manufacturers who decide to brand their products must choose which brand names to use, these strategies are available except one.
This also serves as a measure of the economic performance of profit centers within the enterprise. It differs from market price, which measures exchanges between the company and the outside world, for the next effect of transfer pricing is borne by the same organization.
In this factor, high-market-share brands usually require less advertising expenditures as a percentage of sales to maintain their share. To build share by increasing market size requires larger advertising expenditures.
This refers to the amount of money or cost the buyer is willing to pay in exchange for receiving them.
This company overseas involvement category run independent and mainly self-sufficient subsidiaries in a range of countries.
This refer as the process in which the demand structure for economic goods and services is anticipated.
What is the third phase of international marketing research?
This refers to a new information collected specifically for your purposes. Methods of primary data collection vary based upon the goals of the research, as well as the type and depth of information being sought.
This activity refers to Sponsoring various efforts to publicize specific products.
In what step of marketing research implies that the researcher should have a clear concept and definition of the problem. The first step in the international marketing research process frequently incorporates a preliminary phase of assessing information needs and availability?
In this level of segmentation, the seller engages in the mass production, mass distribution and distribution and mass promotion of one product for all buyers.
This stage is typically characterized by a strong growth in sales and profits and because the company can start to benefit from economies of scale in production.
In this phase, there is a limited management knowledge and experience outside the domestic market often mandate a preliminary phase of information collection in researching international markets.
This means that foreign exchange is scarce and that the government is rationing it out according to its own priorities.
This refers to the international marketing challenges in where the company or firm doing business with different countries have to follow rules, regulations, trade laws, taxation laws and local contractual obligation.
This refer to an intermediary who buys, takes title to and resells merchandise.
This tool can improve public goodwill by contributing money and time to good causes
This refers to the partitioning of a market into smaller parts by identifying different groups of people with fairly similar needs, a firm can try to satisfy their customers better and more profitably thru assembling a marketing mix effort for each market segment.
This is also called product assortment, a set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers.
How many is the levels of the product?
This refers to a costs of material and labor used in the manufacture of a product bear a direct relationship to the level of operations.
This refers to the discretion that the company has, or wants to have, in seeing the goods through to the customers.
In this aspect sales-promotion programs are designed on the basis of experience, pretests should be conducted to determine if the tools are appropriate, the incentive-size optimal, and the presentation method efficient. Promotions can usually be tested quickly and inexpensively.
This control, particularly, concerns with measuring spending efficiency. The ways to improve efficiency of various marketing entities like sales force, advertising, distribution, sales promotion and so forth.
This refers to the identification mark of a product which enters into the channels of trade and commerce.
This involves a variety of programs designed to promote and protect a company’s image or its individual products.
This concept defines what the package should basically be or do for the particular product.
This refers to a set of attributes and conditions that buyers normally expect and agree to when they purchase this product.
In this stage, the company expands in international market, to serve new types of customers or new geographical areas, it needs to strengthen certain marketing functions other than sales.
What is the first step in adoption and diffusion of new products
This is divided according to functions performed in producing and marketing goods to unrelated buyer
This problem in distribution channels are magnified in less developed countries in the world which are far larger in size such as China, India, Brazil and South Africa.
This refers to the international marketing challenges in where the company or firm doing business with different countries have to follow rules, regulations, trade laws, taxation laws and local contractual obligation
A paramount concern in the introduction of new products is acceptance by the _____________.
In this step, the advertisers need to evaluate the alternate messages. A good ad normally focuses on one core selling proposition. Messages can be rated on desirability, exclusiveness and believability. Advertisers should conduct market analysis and research their ads to determine which appeal is most likely to succeed with its target audience.
This begins with the launch and ends when approximately 95% of the deal merchandise is in the hands of consumers.
What is the phase 1 in the International Marketing Research Planning?
There are how many product design strategies?
This structure offers greater flexibility than the single-line-of-command structures already discussed and reconciles this flexibility with coordination and economies of scale to the strength of large organizations.
All ____________________ are profit centers and transfers must be set at levels that yield a reasonable profit to both the selling and buying units.
This refers to means to charge the price and hand-over the product and service.
It is said that the principal source of information is the _________________ of the trading nations.
This level of segmentation often customized as per the individual customers
The rules could be broadly divided into two areas, namely (a) rules governing entry conditions of foreign goods into the country and _____________.
In this step, the message’s impact depends not only upon what is said but also on how it is said. Once a company has decided on a marketing strategy, they must turn their idea into a compelling advertisement that will break through the advertising clutter and grab the attention of their target customers.
This can be defined as a reasoned choice from a set of alternative prices that aim at profit maximization within a planning period in response to a given scenario.
In this step, the company is required to select one target market from the list of market segments then need to use form of objective assessment.
This refers to a group of people hired directly by a company to sell its products and service its accounts.
The purpose of this control is to measure the profitability of their various products, territories, customer groups, trade channels and other sizes.
This refer to is a company that represents and sell the goods of several manufacturers.
How many are the steps of market segmentation?
This structure include such considerations as management’s attitudes toward foreigners and overseas environments, managements willingness to take risks and seek growth in unfamiliar circumstances, and management’s ability to make compromises to accommodate foreign perspectives.
This is also defined as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and giving value to customers and give benefits to the organization.
Research on the subject shows that foreign product design strategy varies with this international marketing decision
The second step in creating market segments is determining what types of different consumers form that overall market.
This is considered as a special selling effort to accelerate sales
This refers to the financial side of international trade.
This consists of independent firms at different levels of production and distribution integrating their programs on a contractual basis to obtain more economies and/or sales impact than they could achieve alone.
This means selling to an intermediary, who in turn sells your products either directly to customers or to importing wholesalers.
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