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Involves managing and optimizing inventory levels, production schedules, and resources to ensure smooth operations and meet customer demands efficiently.
A simple but labor intensive system is the:
In an organization, poor material handling system may result in the following :-
A type items are always vital under VED analysis.
Production Planning and Control makes the supervisor ineffective.
There are five manufacturing systems. However, many manufacturers combines two or more systems to produce a final product.
Smoothing performs following activities:-
How much Portion of a given menu item
Line staff can assist PPC by manufacturing some of their needs in theirown shops rather than making PPC to tool room or purchase.
Transit time for manufactured items should be considered only when it is insignificant.
The inventory of medical and surgical supplies can represent up to what percentage of a facility's operating budget?
Scheduling can be considered as a process of :-
Exponential smoothening is weighted average method.
Transportation carts should be claned at least
Steps involved in process planning include the following :-
They are type of analytical estimate :-
Progressing is only a substitute for poor planning.
Annual Ordering cost is inversely related to the order quantity.
Fluctuation due to changes in season are called cyclical fluctuation.
In ABC analysis, the classification is based on :-
Mass & flow production and process production are categorized under :-
Curve fitting method of statistical forecasting uses curve line approach.
The following are salient features of the fixed order quantity system :-
In alternate routing, the delayed job may be routed to a ________ machine where rate of production is faster.
Keeping procurement cost and carrying cost constant, if annual usage of certain product becomes 4 times, the EOQ would be :-
Ordering of raw material is based on :-
Given the following data :- procurement cost per order = Rs 30 ;frequency of ordering per year =4 ; number of suppliers = 3 . Form theabove data, total procurement cost would be Rs ________.
The effectiveness of sequencing model technique ________ if the company has backlog of
Keeping available time per day constant, if the desired production rateper day is to be doubled ,cycle time will be reduced by :-
Heuristics approach gave very good results when Wester and Kilbridge applied it to ________ assembly line.
A progress card normally contains ________ squares.
The most efficient distribution system is the:
Generally for ________ flow system, Heuristic method is preferred.
Stock of finished goods are based on :-
In replenishment system, the type of ordering is either according to "stock level" or "pre-fixed time scale".
Classification of items on basis of their capital lock up is called ________ analysis.
What shall be the consequence of acceptance of frequent rush orders by sales department?
The make-or-buy decision is not related with profit of the factory.
The expected time can be minimised by minimising following parameters :-
PERT terminology uses words like :-
LOB is a manual planning and scheduling technique similar in nature to MRP [Material Resource Planning].
The earliest start time of an activity equals to earliest event time of :-
Stores issue order for an item is prepared as soon as the route sheet is ready.
Of all the work measurement techniques the most widely used techniques is________.
The commonly used network techniques other than PERT and CPM are as follows :-
In linear programming method of line balancing, there are three types of constraints namely :-
Move orders, released for material movement from stores to first work center are used for following types of organizations :-
A company where different personnel give conflicting delivery promises need to improve its scheduling and processing function.
Which of the following is not an assumption for the EOQ model?
Buying for C quantities should be made in ________ quantities .
Which of the following is not a necessary requirement of a requisition
A firm has 6 jobs to be processed on three machines A,B and C in theorder ABC. The processing time of each job is given in the tablebelow:- Find the idle time on different machines . Job Processing time[ hours ] Machine A Machine B Machine C J1 25 16 20 J2 26 20 19 J3 2417 18 J4 22 20 21 J5 24 21 17 J6 28 18 13
Due to the following emergent events, the queue time has to compensatefor the time for which the job has to undergo an extra time :-
The assignment method is also called as :-
The tooling data is prepared in respect of following measuring instruments :-
The batch production requires ________ capital investment as compared to job production.
Bar-coding of an instrument sets and integral part of:
One of the causes of inability to meet delivery date originally promised :-
At any level of inventory, the total ordering cost and and total carrying cost are always equal.
Subsidiary orders include :-
Time study is useful method of measurement for :-
Work measurement is responsibility of :-
The light engineering company has one special purpose facing ¢ering machine And one copying lathe. The foreman has five workorders for processing . The operation Sequence is fixed [ each job isfirst faced and centered and then copy turned ] . The standard Hoursrequired for each machine to process each work order are shown in thefollowing Table :- Work Order Processing Time [Hours ] Facing ¢ering machine Copying Lathe I 16 40 II 30 60 III 20 6 IV 15 16 V 2512 find sequence to minimize requirements of machine hours.
5 jobs are to be processed on machines M1 and M2 , first on M1 and thenon M2. The processing times in hours are as follows.Find the sequencefor 5 jobs that will minimize total elapsed time .also find idle time& total elapsed time. Job Processing time [ hours ] Machine M1Machine M2 1 5 2 2 1 6 8 9 7 6 3 8 5 10 4
Reorder level determines how low inventory should be before reordering occurs.
The 'G' group of GOLF analysis covers items procurement from Government suppliers such as :-
If actual demand far exceeds forecast, it will result into :-
The cost involved in subcontracting some of the operations of item outside the home plant is called :-
What factors affect the status of PPC department in the company for achieving informal status?
Among different types of costs associated with inventory, the opportunity cost of the investment tied up in inventory is a(n) ________.
If the annual usage of a material is 1200 units and the reorder point is at 120 Units, find the lead time.
Among different types of costs associated with inventory, the costs of obtaining purchase approvals are ________.
The assignment algorithm was developed by a Hungarian mathematician named :-
Short term forecasts are for ________.
Just-in-time distribution systems are also known as:
Ordering the optimum quantity of an item based on historical data is known as:
In a mass production assembly shop following work measurement techniques are used :-
In PERT, use of dummy activities is not much essential.
Negative value of critical ratio :-
An ongoing inventory management system is known as a:
Using the basic EOQ model, if the ordering cost triples, then the new order quantity will
Supplies should never be stored
Important considerations in scheduling are :-
Par levels should be based on:
Methods for recording actual progress of work for shop orders are :-
The two basic questions in inventory management are
If more variety is to be manufactured, the manufacturing facilities would have to be :-
While communicating to customer on delays in delivery following information should be given :-
PERT is suitable in defense projects and R&D where activity times can not be really predicted.
Flexibility and product variety are not inter-related with each other.
Under economic-order-quantity decision model, it is assumed that ________.
The overall objective of inventory management is to achieve satisfactory levels of customer service while keeping inventory costs reasonable.
Development of additional vendors/suppliers depends upon :-
Long termed forecasts are for the period of :-
The LOB technique is made more accurate and fast by using ________.
Moving average method lags behind the latest trend.
To solve "n jobs - 2 machines" sequencing problem, it is assumed thateach machine can perform only one type of operation and can undertakeonly one job at a time.
Overlapping of operations helps in compressing manufacturing time.
Finished goods inventory is the amount of manufactured product in stock that is available for sale.
Inspection operations is a part of process plan for a part.
Good quality and ________are the two main requirements to secure maximum business from a customer.
Random fluctuation is addition of cyclical fluctuation and seasonal fluctuation.
Activity R can not start unless activities P & Q are completed .And activity S can not start unless activity Q is over [ I.e. activityP may not be even over ]. Activity R is therefore succedding toactivity P & Q while activity S is succeeding to activity :-
The sourcing of vendors in case of 'B' type of items is :-
Some of significant characteristics of fixed order quantity system under replenishment systems are as follows :-
Sequencing helps management to determine the most economical job sequence the one that consumes minimum :-
The ROI of the company can be increased by :-
Detachable Card contain following information :-
Forecasting is function of ________.
The reorder point is the:
LOB has advantage that it is more ________ oriented than MRP.
As per a study on materials management practices, a typical firm spendsalmost half of its rupee sales on goods purchased from vendors.
PERT uses linear programming and probability concepts for planning and controlling activities.
Computerisation of line balancing involve following requirements :-
If Kwh consumption per 100 pieces is 8.01 and cost/kwh is Rs 0.80 thecost of power over the year for 40000 pieces with 2000 numbersrejection would be Rs ________.
To operate fixed order quantity system, following parameters are required to be fixed:-
Inventory management technique for determining an item’s optimal order size, which is the size that minimizes the total of its order costs and carrying costs.
Process Sheet contains following information :-
Because of uncertainty of activity timings, PERT acquired a shape of ________ model.
On completion of work the job card is returned to production planning and control department for reference and record.
Being capable to adjust their production facilities shortly just afterchange in demand for products and without incurring heavy expenses,greater flexibility in production is provided by ________.
The make-or-buy decision is not taken only at starting of a factory but has to be reviewed continuously.
What is the shape of the inventory usage when all EOQ assumptions are met?
If efficiency is more, the manufacturing time required for completion of job would be generally :-
C type items would never be vital under VED analysis.
________ is the sum of set up time and run time.
The make-or-buy decision becomes necessary when the current source ofsupply is not able to supply the material in accordance with buyer'squality requirements.
Detachable ticket, after filling in required information is :-
Demand distribution systems are :
The main characteristics of mass and flow production are :-
In precedence diagram the length of arrow has very high degree of significance.
The queue time is intended to compensate for the time for which the job has to :-
When shop floor scheduling problem larger than 3 machines arise theanalytical solution procedures leading to optimality are complex anddifficult.
The minimum requirements for application software for line balancing are as follows :-
Given a decision for designing a line layout, major problem issubdividing a work so that smooth flow can result. The subdivisionprocess is called :-
HML Analysis helps to :-
Rational figure on utilization index can be obtained by carrying out ________ study.
In check list approach, ________ rating indicates that existing PPC system requires some major improvements in indicated areas.
LOB technique was devised by US army in the year :-
The computerized locked supply system is a variation of the :
Orders with ________ slack time remaining per operation are run first.
________ are grouped so that their total time is preferably equal to or little lesser than the time available each work station.
The Heuristics approach has a base of binary number theory.
Proper Production Planning and Control can reduce cost in :-
Which distribution system requires the using department to be responsible for maintaining inventory levels?
Labour efficiency depends upon ________
Total lead time is the summation of following factors :-
The LOB technique is most appropriate for assembly operations involving number of distinct components.
The non-mathematical rationale of the assignment method is one of minimizing opportunity costs.
Which of the following formula is used to compute the annual carrying cost?
Work sampling is ________
The variable costs per unit of holding an item in inventory for a specific period of time.
The maximum order level is:
Price orientation
Job production requires ________ capital investment.
Purchase department must keep PPC informed regarding lead time of different items specially where lead times are extended.
Responsibility of smooth flow of work through different work centers or departments of company rests with :-
Lead time is ________ for different items.
Standard time accounts for :-
In replenishment system, the fixed order quantity system is also called by following names :-
In CPM, use of dummy activities is much essential .
The assembly work content [ Wi ] of the i'th station having n work stations is given by :- Correct Answer
Random fluctuation is considered for deciding ________.
Which area is the first to accept the responsibility for all supplies in the facility
The ordering cost per order is $400, and the carrying cost per unit is $10. What is the optimal order size considering an annual demand of 2000 units?
As the quantity increases, the procurement cost :-
The purchase-order lead time is the ________.
The 'G' group of GOLF analysis involves moderate delivery time and availability of credit usually in the range of 30 to 60 days.
Total storage cost = ?
Production output in night shift is :-
An effective case cart system requires:
Process plan is the process of establishing the ________ and mosteconomical path that each part is to follow from raw material stage tofinished product stage.
To solve "n jobs - 3 machines" sequencing problem, the largest of timeof any job on the second machine must be smaller than or equal to thesmallest time of any job on first machine or third machine.
XYZ analysis helps to identify few items which account for large amountof money locked up in the stock and take steps for liquidation /reduction.
Find EOQ in Rs from the following data :-Annual consumption = 20, 000units, Ordering and receiving cost of material = Rs 20 per order,Annual carrying cost or storage cost = 10% of unit cost of material,Cost of material = Rs 50.
The administrative lead time e.g. time involved in processing theorder, which may be in periodical review system including the perioduntil next review is called ________ lead time.
Labour efficiency factor is applied after capacity requirement of equipment is calculated.
Total inventory cost =
Overtime can be avoided in many ways and they are :-
Which of the following is not an element of a distribution system?
Material control function embraces a following techniques :-
Physical Count method of collecting information from manufacturing shops is applicable in following situation :-
Work measurement is not useful for choosing between two alternate methods of production.
The data in respect of spindle nose pertains to :-
Following difficulties are faced by SDE analysis :-
In order to complete a project on time, each critical activity need not be completed in time.
________ inventories help to balance company's supply with market demand.
________ is a production line made up of operations that form or changethe physical or sometimes chemical characteristics of a product.
________ analysis mainly helps to identify non-existing items for whichstore keeps bin cards, wastes computer memory or wastes computerstationary while preparing stores ledger.
Weaknesses of PPC department can be studied on following grounds :-
The software for CPA would require the following parameters:-
________items should be excluded from ABC Analysis.
What is EOQ?
Which type of inventory distribution system requires the use of a predetermined inventory list?
The ideal order quantity a company should purchase for its inventory given a cost set of production, demand rate, and other variables is known as:
To keep facilities busy, waiting time due to non-availability of work should be kept at :-
Which of the following is not considered a specialty cart?
Identify the costs and risks of OVERstocking:
Effective capacity per period is calculated as :-
In assignment matrix, it is a must to determine Jacobean of the determinant.
If set up time for four operations involved is 2 ,1.5, 2 , 2.5 hours respectively, total set up time would be 10 hours.
Earliest possible occurrence time [ I.e. stray time ] of activity [ies ] emanating from the
Increase in inventory carrying cost increases EOQ.
Installed capacity :-
If number of work stations is 8 and work content of all stations is 32 , the cycle time would be ________.
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